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Hey everyone! I was talking to a fellow author..she had the idea of using quotes and song titles for her chapters and I thought to myself "huh..that's not a bad idea. Maybe I could do that too" I figured just saying "Part One" and so on was boring, you know?

Anyway, the title of this chapter is Suddenly from the musical "Les Miserables", which I am sure a lot of you have heard of. What do you guys think is going to happen next? Harry and Charlie kissed...what happens from there, though? Read on and find out!!


Charlie's P.O.V.

I wave to Harry one last time and close my door, acting as cool as a cucumber. As I walked further into my beighe and chocolate colored hallway, I started screaming (quietly, of course) to myself! Harry Styles kissed me. HARRY freaking STYLES of One Direction kissed me! God, I could die happy now!

Walking into the living room, everything seemed a little brighter and more vivid. The chocolate walls seemed even more choclatey-looking, the television seemed a little brighter and a little better quality. I was on Cloud Nine, in other words.

I went and sat down next to my mom, who was watching What Not To Wear, continuing to wear the biggest, goofiest grin ever. Mom finally tore her eyes away from the screen, appraising me and my giddiness.

"So...your date with Harry went well?" My mom said, grinning at me. What?! My jaw drops and my eyes bulge as I continue to look at this woman.

"Don't look at me as if I were the strangest person on Earth...I know you went on a date with that boy today. I got a call from him asking if he could take you out of school for the day, to which i politely accepted. He seems like a sweet boy, Char." She said, winking at me.

"You-you knew?!" I spluttered.

"Well of course I did! He may be in one of the world's most popular boybands, but that doesn't mean he can do everything, like check you out of school." She said.

She turned back to the television, and I just continued to stare at this woman for a minute. This woman, who tells me I should wear makeup more often so I could make friends. Or the woman that said I should be more like my brother, more outgoing. I know that she means well, that she wants me to make friends and that she loves me, she just sometimes has an odd way of doing so.

"Mom...did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I grinned at her, pulling her away from the television and into a huge hug. I started to slowly get my butt off the couch and head upstairs.

"Hey! Friday you don't have school, right?" Mom asks. I look at her for a second, wondering what she is up to.

" Why do you ask?"

"Well...Olivia is coming over to play with Evelyn on thursday night. Your father is going to be home that night, and we wanted to go out with Erin and Todd to dinner that night. Do you think you would be able to babysit?"

Olivia is my three-year-old little cousin. She is the daughter of my mom's sister Erin. Erin is my mom's younger sister by about six months, and looks a lot like my mom, only she has my grandmother's dark brown hair instead of light brown hair.

"Sure!" I replied.

"You could text Harry and ask if he wanted to help too. I know that you have trouble controlling the two of them around bed time sometimes." My mom remarks, looking at me. She had a good idea, honestly. 

Harry told me on the way home from the restaurant that Detroit was his last stop on their tour, and because of that, they are taking a break for a little while, with a few teleconferences here and there, and a few phone interviews. He had talked to the lads and said that, because of me, they are going to stay in Detroit until the end of the week. When he had told me this, I couldn't have been more thrilled, because I could spend some more time with the curly-haired boy.

"Yeah! Definitely. Goodnight, mom, love you." I said, to which she responded the same, already absorbed in her television show again.

I walk upstairs and turn my bedroom light on. Throwing my phone onto my bed, I look around my room for a minute. I had my bedroom redone last year, and I absolutely love it! The walls are a robin's egg blue, with black and white flower decals scattered on the walls as well as pictures of The Beatles, covers of Rolling Stone magazine, and random family pictures. 

Padding in my slipper socks over to my closet, I open it up and take a look at it. Usually, I don't really care about how I look, but I am in such a good mood, I decide to pick out my outfit for tomorrow ahead of time. I select something I think will look good ( , grab a pair of pajamas, and put my hair up.

When I'm finally ready to go to sleep, I plop down on my huge, downy comforter and pick up my phone. The little light on my Andoid shows that I have a new text message, so I open it up to find a text message from Harry.

Hazza Bear:

I can't stop thinking about you :) i had a great time tonight! Can we hang out again sometime this week? x

I smile and think about my response for a second before texting back.

Char Char: 

Sure! My mom wants me to babysit my cousin and little sister on Thursday night, since I don't have school on Friday. Would you like to come over and help me babysit? :) x

He responds back almost instantaneously.

Hazza Bear:

Sure, love! We could play house ;) jk x

I raise my eyebrow at this, and, smirking, I quickly text back a response.

Char Char:

Me and you play house? So you're going to be the wife, I presume? ;) jk lol x

I grin, happy with my response, and a second later, my phone chimes.

Hazza Bear:

Wow, I am truly wounded. That hurt, Charlie :( 

Char Char:

I am just kidding! :) anyway, I have to go to bed. I do have school tomorrow, you know :P Goodnight Hazza x

Just as I am nodding off, my phone buzzes.

Hazza Bear:

I know you were ;) Awww :( okay. I can't get you out of school every day. I'll be thinking about you tonight. Goodnight love x

I put my phone down, grinning ear to ear. I can't believe that this guy, this boy band, total sensation, would be going for a girl like me. It's almost surreal, like one of those things you see in a Sarah Dessen novel or a sappy rom com that Mia loves so much.

So, with the green-eyed, curly-haired boy never leaving my mind, I drift off into a peaceful slumber.


Hey guys! Emily here!

Okay, I know this chapter is short, but guess what?! I am going to post another chapter tonight! It might take me a little while, but I definitely will, because you guys deserve it for getting me almost 130 reads :)

Here's my schpiel: Vote on my chapters, fan my page, add my book to your reading list, tell your friends, yadda yadda yadda.

Love you guys :)

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