New York, New York

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A/N: The song for this chapter is "New York, New York" by the one and only Frank Sinatra. If you do not know who that is, or have never heard that song, I suggest listening to it. I don't think that you will be disappointed :)

Part 15

Frustration. By definition, it means “the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of the inability to change or achieve something.” This is exactly how I was feeling as I attempted to lug boxes from my car, which my brother and I drove halfway across the country to get to this darn school. And yes, I said my brother. Not my parents, who should be the ones helping me, all the while tearing up at the thought that their only daughter will be alone in the big city. But again, that is a big fat nope. My parents decided that, although they are incredibly sad to see their baby go, they want to cut the cord as soon as possible. In other words, they said their goodbyes about a half a day ago when my brother and I left Detroit. Can you feel the love? I sure can’t.

Ben was a good enough big brother to drive me to NYU and help me get everything unpacked and settled in. He said that he knew how college was nowadays (and how shady New York can be at times) and said he was more than willing to help me out. Quite frankly, I think that he just wanted to drive my Mustang halfway across the country. Since my birthday, my brother has developed an unhealthy relationship with MY car. When I was halfway in-between being asleep and awake on the way here, I could have sworn that I heard him call the car “Cherry” or something along those lines…I guarantee you that as soon as he gets home, he is going to be taking joy rides in it.

The ride here actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Ben and I took turns driving, paying for gas, and most of the time we had the music up so loudly, that it made it impossible for either of us to get ANY sleep. So, in other words, both of us were pretty fried by the time that we got to NYU. The check-in hadn’t been as horrifying as I previously anticipated, thank goodness. The lady that was running the front desk was perfectly nice. Pam, I believe that her name was. She gave me the key to my room (which I would be sharing with a roommate that I have yet to be acquainted with), as well as a few papers that included the combination to the mail box that I have in the student lobby, another copy of my class schedule (I had one already printed out, seeing as I picked my classes in early June), and a map of NYU in its entirety. She even pointed out some of the hot spots, included a little coffee shop that I will probably spend a good portion of my time in.

Ben and I take the first few boxes of mine up to my room, which, thankfully is on the second floor. As we trekked towards room 315, I could see some doors open, with girls chatting to their new roommates, guys greeting each other in their odd fashion, and other people moving in. In other words, it was a mad house. You could feel the anticipation and hormones in the air, so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife.

We finally made it to my room; I turned the key to find that my room was actually bigger than I had thought previously. There is a little living room right as we were entering, colored an emerald green with a caramel-colored couch, coffee table and a small flat screen television already set up on an old green stand. Hooked up to it was a black Xbox 360, with a tub of games sitting right next to it, with the controllers in there as well.

“Damn! Sweet set up!” Ben grinned, nodding in approval. I grinned back at him, knowing that this girl and I were definitely going to get along well, judging by our similar taste in video games.

 There were already a few band posters up, of bands that I liked, surprisingly. Two doors were placed strategically in the room, one right next to the other. One door was cracked open and another was completely closed. I peeked quickly into the room which had the door that was cracked open, and saw that it was a bathroom. It was a hip light blue color, with a huge lit up mirror, shower, toilet and sink. The tile was linoleum, and didn’t look the newest, but looked sturdy enough.

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