So Much Better (Part One)

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A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry that it has been so long since I have written a chapter for this story. However, I looked at the amount of reads that I have gotten and it is now over four hundred! I want to say thank you for everyone that has read this story and for leaving nice and really helpful comments.

This chapter's song is "So Much Better" from Legally Blonde the Musical. I picked this song for a few reasons. One, because of the change that has occurred in Charlie's life, how her life and she are so much better than before. Also, because I am trying out for this musical in a production that is in a civic theater about an hour away from where I live :) the auditions are in April and i'm so excited for it! Ah well, back to the world of Charlie!

Charlie's P.O.V.

I open my eyes up the next morning, a smile on my face from the dream that I was having. I was on a beach, sitting in the warm sand and letting it run inbetween my toes. Harry has his arm around my shoulder and we are watching the sunset in a quiet peace. I look around the dove gray living room, the few toys that still occupied space on the floor, and finally at the unoccupied space next to me on the couch, recalling the night before and the question pops into my head:

Where did the curly haired boy go?

Where, indeed? Perhaps he went back to his hotel? But then I hear laughter emanating from the open door leading to the kitchen a few doors down the hall, recognizing Harry's laugh in the throng. The air begins to flow into the living room, an aroma of cinnamon rolls, bacon and eggs blowing through me, engulfing me. My stomach starts grumbling incredibly loudly. 

Finally kicking off my warm and fluffy white blanket, I jump up. I stretch quickly and I walk quietly to the kitchen, making sure that I wasn't heard all the while. I tip toe through the hall, being extremely careful about my foot placement so as not to make the floorboards creak at all. Feeling like I was in a James Bond movie, I hide just beyond the view of the door. My parents and Harry are making small talk. Curious as to what they are talking about, I listen in sneakily:

"You know that you didn't have to help me make breakfast, Harry. I could have made it on my own" My mom said.

"It's okay, Mrs. Pierce. I enjoy cooking, and don't mind helping one bit. Besides, it's Charlie's birthday, so I want to do something special." I could hear the smile in his voice as he talked.

I facepalmed as quietly as I could. I had totally forgotten that my birthday was today. Nineteen. I always do this too. Somehow, I manage to forget my birthday, even if it is one of the most eventful (as eventful as my life has been the past few years) parts of my entire year. I never feel any older either, just the same old me. Mia was coming over later, and what we usually do is eat birthday cake and sit with my family and open presents. Although this year, I have absolutely no clue what was going to happen. I snap out of my own little world and listen in again.

"I'm sure that she'll love it, Harry. You're good for her, you know. She doesn't have very many friends" My mom said, sighing.

"I know...but I want her to feel as special as possible. Your daughter is quite an awesome person." He said earnestly.

"We know that she if she would only wake up. Harry, can you go wake her up?" My dad asked. That was my cue.

I casually strolled in, spying my mom in her dark purple and white striped pajamas, with an apron tied around her face, a little bit of flour on her face. I kiss her on the cheek, and my dad who is sitting at the table and do the same.

"Good morning, guys!" I say, smiling. I smile to Harry who smirks back at me with knowing eyes. He knew that I was listening in the whole time. I stick my tongue out at him, and he looks at me with honest eyes. 

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