Are You Happy Now?

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A/N: Hey everyone! How's it going? I want to say thank you so much to everyone that has been reading this story! I have over 1,800 reads, and that is absolutely amazing to me! I know that a lot of stories on here have far more than that..but the fact that I have the number I do is so thanks :)

The song for this chapter is "Are You Happy Now?" by Megan and Liz. If you guys have never heard of them, check them out on Youtube, they are a truly amazing pair. This song really speaks true to what is going on in the chapter, and I hope that you guys really enjoy it.

Charlie's P.O.V (1 Month Later)

My history teacher finally said that we could be done today, with only five minutes left in the day. Thank God, I thought to myself. I can finally get out of this hell hole for the day. Things haven't gotten better since that first day, in fact, they have gotten worse. I have been called every name that you could think of in the hallways, had paper thrown at me and the people claiming that they didn't do it, the back of my chair is kicked repeatedly throughout the day, and when I turn around to look at the person, they sneer at me, so I try to ignore it as best as I can.

Not only that, but I am tripped numerous times in the halls on a daily basis, as well as whispered about and glared at in the hallways. At lunch, I opt to sit in a very secluded part of the library and eat my lunch, so I didn't have to risk seeing anyone else that might harass me at lunch.

Within the past month, I have gotten more attention from everyone in the school than I ever would have gotten before I met...him. Even the teachers look at me more than usual, but not with a smile or happiness. No. They look at me with pity in their eyes. As much as they try to help me in classes, trying to get my classmates to pay attention instead of glaring at me, I have learned that it is no use. Since that day that I ended....I snort to myself. Can you even end something that never started in the first place? Apparently that is what many of the people in this school believe, and have had the opportunity to make my life hell for it within the past month. I have become a walking target since that day, and let me tell you, I don't like it, not one bit.

I have learned to try and ignore it to the best of my abilities, to put on a smile and and strong face and not let these people get me down. But there have been days where it just doesn't do it. Some days, the realization hits me of just how low I have gone, and my insides feel like they have been put into a blender and set to puree. I only have two months more of this to take, but each day it feels like I am thrown into the lion's den with a meat suit, and there is no way that I can avoid slaughter.

Today has been absolutely horrible. First, I was shoved into a locker by Quinn and her crew, and then someone threw an eraser at the back of my head, and I still have a headache from that because whoever threw that knew what they were doing apparently. These people, who never knew my name before last month, have been calling all of the names in the book, glaring at me and judging me for no fact other than that I "ditched the biggest heartthrob in the world."

The bell finally rings. I sigh in relief, wipe my eye and grab my bookbag, picking myself up and walking/running out the door.

I walk through the halls with my eyes looking at the ground, praying that nobody will throw anything else at me or that I will get tripped when I least expect it. Hopefully I can get out of here without completely breaking down and giving these people the satisfaction with knowing that they broke me.

Finally getting to my locker, I see that Quinn and her group have taken their usual spot about ten feet away and were whispering about some insignificant television show that was on last night. When I walk by, I can feel their gazes boring into me. If looks can kill, I would have been incinerated right on the spot.

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