Hello Goodbye

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A/N: Hello everyone!!! How's it going?

I want to say thank you to everyone for getting me to 1,900 reads! I know it isn't a lot, but I really truly appreciate it. I really want to get to 2,000 by the end of this week too! I think that it can be done!

The song for this chapter is "Hello Goodbye" by The Beatles, but not for the reason you may think. Charlie is saying goodbye to her past, and saying hello to her future. Enjoy :)

Charlie's P.O.V. (4 Months Later)

"I think that this is all of the boxes that your mom brought home for you. If this isn't enough, either you need less stuff or more boxes." Mia says, sticking her tongue out at me.

After the NYU acceptance letter came in, everything else seemed to fall into place somewhat. I recieved a few other acceptance letters within that week, including one from Berkeley. My parents could not have been more thrilled when that came in as well. My brother even called me saying that, "although it's not nearly as impressive as getting into Michigan State, I'm proud of you, sis." he said, teasingly.  I swear, when I got these letters, my parents could not stop smiling for another week after that occurred.

Everything started looking up as far as the bullies were concerned as well. Quinn finally left me alone after my confrontation with her. I guess that threatening her "birthday present" shook her up pretty badly, so she went from the leader of my lynch mob to throwing the occasional sneer in from time to time. And I even made a few friends out of a group of freshman girls! They asked me to join in lunch with them a few days after the confrontation with Quinn, praising me for sticking it to her. This group of girls was annoyed by Quinn and was glad to see that she was knocked down a few pegs.

It was odd for me to deal with it, but at the same time I loved it. These girls reminded me of myself when I was their age, although those girls were definitely more confident than I was at their age. One of them, Bailey, even invited me over to her house for one of their sleepovers one night. We had a Lord of the Rings marathon and quoted it the entire time. I haven't ever had as good of a time with anyone else other than Mia than I had with those girls. 

When I graduated, I made sure to invite those girls to my open house, and to the little sleepover that I had afterwards. Mia was incredibly pleased to see that I had made a few friends. For being so kind to me for the last few months of school, I gave each of those girls something incredibly nerdy that I wouldn't have given to anyone else...I gave each of them their own copy of The One Ring from LOTR. They were so excited when they opened their little presents to see it, their faces were priceless.

"Now we are ring mates!" one of the other girls, Amy squeaked. It was an overall amazing night.

"Trust me; it's going to be enough. It's not like I'm bringing my entire room." I say, smirking.

"It sure as hell feels like it, with all of the stuff that you have." Mia mutters. I sneak up on her and smack her in the head with a flat box, surprising her. She turns to me with her eyes wide and I start cracking up. When she attempts to scowl, I laugh even harder.

I can't believe that I'm moving to New York in less than two weeks. Instead of sticking around and finding a summer job here, I decided that I was going to move into the dorm early so I can get settled into living in New York, and hopefully find a job while I'm at it. Although my parents hate that they are "losing their daughter a month early", they are supportive of my decision. I'm grateful that they understand this too because, although they are paying for my college education, I need money as far as buying food, clothing, etc.

I haven't even seen Quinn and her posse since graduation. Thankfully, according to a few sources, they took off for Panama City soon after the caps were thrown into the air and they haven't been seen since then. They'll be back soon, but I won't. Once I leave for New York, I'll come back during vacation, but that is about it. I would take any opportunity to not return to this hell hole any time soon.

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