Part Eleven: Names Carved In Stone

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Newt sat in the empty space under the canopy and thought about everything. About your voice calling out his name that kept repeating in his head. Everything just seemed so confusing that he didn't know what to do about it.
In the corner of his eye, Newt spotted two figures come towards him. He knew it was Minho and Thomas, and when they sat down he didn't object. He just sat with them in silence. A long empty silence that he wished could stretch out longer than it did. Of course, it was Minho who broke the calming silence.
"You know, no one thinks your crazy." He said but Newt looked down to his feet, glancing at his once infected arm. There was nothing there except pale skin; no veins, no flare.
"I don't know." Newt said, looking back up and over to Minho and Thomas who looked at him sympathetically. "I keep grasping at straws, holding on to the idea that maybe, just maybe, she's still alive." Newt took a deep breath, then continued. "Maybe I am crazy."
"Your not." Thomas told him. "Newt, your just heartbroken."
"I keep telling myself that I'm gonna live the life she wanted me to live, but that life was with her." Newt told them and they all looked out into the horizon. "I wanted to marry her when we were older and have a family together. That's the life she wanted and the life I still want."
"It's not going to get easier." Minho blurted, getting looks from both Thomas and Newt, Thomas giving him a glare. Newt however, liked the blatant honesty, it was something he admired about Minho. "It's true. She's gone. She died for us. For all of us. For all of this. Living here is just a constant reminder of the sacrifices she made, and the sacrifices Chuck made, and Alby, and Ron, and Winston. It's all a reminder, and I think it'd be rude if we didn't honour those sacrifices by living."
"He's right." Thomas told Newt and the blondie agreed, it just wasn't easy to accept. "Newt, we want to help you, but we want you to be honest with us. So please, tell us what's going on so we can help. What's wrong?"
Newt hesitated, wondering if he could share his feelings. He didn't even really know what those feelings were. But when he opened his mouth, the words flew out without him even thinking.
"I'm what's wrong." Newt told them. "I feel lost all the time and every time I see something, anything, she comes up in my head and won't go away." Newt admitted. "She made me feel whole, like I was more than just Newt, the boy with the limp. She made me feel like I mattered."
"Newt," Minho said. "You do matter, you matter to us."
"I can't even say her name out loud, how can I carve it into the rock?" Newt asked.
"Well you won't be carving anything if they don't find that chisel." Minho said but was quickly met with Thomas's elbow in his ribs. "Ow! Sorry."
"Your not alone. I'll be there, Minho will be there. Gally, Fry, Aris, Brenda, we're all going to be there. Your not going to be alone." Thomas assured him. "When you need us, we'll be there, same as how you'd be there for us. Cause guys, we're all that's left, we have to have each other's backs."
"Okay." Newt said, taking a deep breath. "I'm not ready, but I'll try."
"And that's all we need." Minho assured, standing up and extending his hand out for Newt, who gladly accepted. The boy helped the blondie up to his feet and the three friends made their way to the rock.

You must have fallen asleep cause the next thing you knew the sun had risen and the morning sky had come. You looked down to see Gage still sleeping heavily on your lap. He must have been tired, after everything he had been through. You were tired too, your muscles were at least, after all the fights.
Gently, you rested Gage's head on the ground and got up. You stretched and shook your legs a little as they were asleep. From there, you walked out of the cockpit and into the main quarters of the berg. There, sitting lonely on a chair was was the radio you had stolen.
You lifted it and placed yourself in its spot, resting the device on your lap. As you fiddled with the controls, you heard little Gage stand up. He walked in and you smiled warmly when you saw him.
"Hey buddy, how you feeling?" You asked and he shrugged.
"I'm okay. Is that the radio?" He asked as he sat next to me, leaning his small head against my shoulder.
"Yeah, I think I got it here." You said as you switched to Jorge's preferred channel. He always used the same one every time. You didn't hear anything coming through so either no one was using a radio or it wasn't going to work.
"Are you going to say anything?" Gage asked and you hesitated. What if they didn't want to hear you? What if they were mad at you for what you had done? What if Newt was a Crank or dead?
No. After last night, you knew that you couldn't hold this off any longer. They had to know you were alive. Newt had to know, and you were determined to get back to him.
You lifted the radio, brought it up to your mouth, and pressed the button.

Somehow, they were able to fine the chisel in the sand. The group all stood behind Newt as he stared at the rock, his hands shaking. He knew he was taking too long, that he should make this easier on everyone by just doing it.
"Newt." The boy heard Gally speak and he turned to look at the tall boy. "Take your time" he said and that made Newt feel better.
Eventually, Newt got the courage to take a few steps forward so that he was right in front of the rock. He could feel the tears build up in his eyes, but this time, he blinked them away. No more crying.
He brought the chisel up, putting it against the rock, right under Chuck's name. It was the perfect spot next to the perfect person. He, again, felt his hands trembling. This made it real. After this, there was no pretending. No more thinking anything. This made it real.
Newt was about to start carving the name when something caught his attention. The voice in his head was back, the voice of you calling his name, but it was different. It was clearer and more muffled. At first he wanted to ignore it, but he couldn't when he heard it again.
Newt turned to the group, the noise coming from behind them. They all looked at him confused, but he wasn't confused at all.
"What's wrong?" Aris asked but Newt put a finger to his lips to silence him. Then, the voice called out his name again. This time, Newt followed it.
Pushing through the group, Newt broke through only to find Jorge's radio equipment sitting alone on a makeshift table. There were wires and cords scattered everywhere and a big solar power generator. But as he got closer to it, the voice got clearer.
"Newt?" The voice called and the boy started to get weary, maybe this was a trick of his mind. But when he turned to see all the others following and reacting to the voice, he knew it was real. But could it be...?
"Newt? Are you there?" The feminine voice called and it was like a melody. A beautiful voice that he wanted to hear. It was familiar and soothing.
"Newt, if your there, please pick up, please." The voice called and this time, Newt picked up the radio and held it up to his mouth. He looked over to his group for reassurance and they all nodded. There was something about her voice that he remembered, but there was no way it could have been...

Could it?

"Hello?" Newt asked skeptically to the women behind the radio and he waited for her response.
"Newt?!" The girl exclaimed and Newt felt a shiver run down his spine and the adrenaline build up inside of him.
"(Y/N)?!" Newt said loudly and the group all picked up their heads at the mention of your name. They hadn't heard Newt say your name since his meltdown with Aris, even then it was only Aris who heard that.
"NEWT! YES! OH MY GOD!" You exclaimed and Newt almost fell from the pure shock while the others were skeptical.
"No, this can't be," Minho started, "we watched her die! She's dead, this is some kind of trick!"
"Who said that?!" You yelled through the radio. "Minho, did you say that?! Cause I did not risk my ass trying to get this shucking equipment just for you not to believe me!"
"That's her alright!" Brenda laughed with joy and she latched on to Frypan who hugged her tightly in return.
Thomas looked to Minho who just looked back, not knowing how to respond. Then, tears welled in Thomas's eyes but they were of joy, not sadness. Minho came in and wrapped Thomas in a massive hug.
Gally was too shocked to move, that was until he saw Teresa standing next to him. She looked shocked but also happy at the same time. With that, Gally wrapped her into a hug and at first she was tense, but then eased into it.
Newt could feel his heartbeat thumping hard against his chest and the tears stream down his cheeks. You were alive.
"Newt, you still there?" You asked and Newt laughed.
"Yes love, I'm here." Newt said and you could feel the butterflies flutter in your stomach. It seemed so long ago since you heard him call you love and you missed it.
"I need you to do something for me." You told him.
"I need Jorge."

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