Episode 4: Grass is always Greener

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The Prince sat on his throne which sat in the back of the command chamber on the Kisasi Warship. His seat faced the Earth, the planet which should have been turned into ruin several weeks ago, yet it still stands. All because of those damn pirates.

"Sir, we have brought in some reinforcements." One of the generals spoke.

The sliding door on the left side of the room opened up. Two humans cladded with lightweight metallic armor and heavy grade weapons entered the room. "You called sir?" The taller, more buff one spoke. His voice was somewhat gravely yet high pitched.

"Yes, I just want you two to do us a favor." The prince spoke.

"What's in it for us?" The second one spoke, he was a bit more scrawny compared to his counterpart, however he too was still rather an effective fighter.

"If you kill the six pirates, I will let you two see your brother, deal?"

The two smiled and they eagerly held up their hands, saluting the Prince. "YES SIR!"

Beshte walked throughout the town alone. It's not that he didn't enjoy being with his teammates, however he does occasionally just enjoy thinking to himself, especially without the sounds of Bunga and Fuli bickering in the background.

Along with that he was somewhat fascinated with Earth itself. While he shared his teammates' sentiment on how the planet was far behind, both technologically and culturally, he still appreciated the good things the planet had.

However he was quickly pulled out of his thoughts once he heard a teenage voice shouting out "GET HER!" He turned over and saw a group of teenagers chasing after an african-american girl, who wore a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

Behest wasn't completely sure why, but he had an instinctual urge to interfere. He took pursuit, following the same path that the teenagers were on. He quickly noticed an alleyway that was on the path, and took a shortcut to get ahead of the pursuers.

Once he got into the Alley, he took notice of the spare boxes that were placed beside the dumpsters. As the pursuers were about to pass by him, he quickly shoved the boxes ahead of them, quickly slowing down, and tripping them from the sudden obstacle that got in their way.

"QUICK, FOLLOW ME!" Beshte shouted to the girl.

With no other options, the girl decided to Follow Beshte into another alleyway. After a few minutes of running, and the two were sure that they lost the group, they decided to slow down and catch their breath.

"Hey, aren't you one of those Space pirates?" The girl asked.

"Um yeah." Beshte said, ignoring the somewhat less than polite tone the girl had.

"Oh, well I'll see you around!" She turned around and was about to walk off, however Beshte quickly stopped her.

"Woah hang on, what was up with....that back there anyways?" Beshte asked.

"I just pissed them off, either way, why should you care?"

"I'm just asking."

"Well I suggest you should stop. Besides you shouldn't have stuck your neck out for me, cuz' now you are probably on their hit-list."

"Well I wasn't just going to stand to the side and ignore the whole thing."

"That's exactly what you're supposed to do! You are going to get yourself in trouble if you do this whole shtick!"

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