Episode 8: Black as Night, Bright as Gold Part 2

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The defeated Red Ranger made his way back to the ship. Once he got into the main living area, he angrily slammed his fists onto the control console. His veins pumped with Anger, as he clearly did not take the defeat from the Gold and Black duo very lightly, especially when it involved his friends.

After that, he frantically began to enter a few commands onto the control console, in an attempt to possibly track his teammates' morphers. After a quick scan of the planet, he got no results. He knew that his sister wouldn't leave the system, and quickly figured that her ship must have had a cloaking device. "Crap!" He muttered to himself.

Just then, his morpher went off. Kion quickly pulled out from his coat and checked to see who was calling him. It was no surprise that it was Kiara, so he quickly answered. "Kiara!" He angrily shouted into the morpher.

Kiara laughed, as she was amused by her Angry Brother. "Hey Kion, how's it going?" She said, ignoring his cold tone.

Kion angrily clenched his fist. "What have you done to my crew? I swear if anything-"

The Gold Ranger interrupted him. "Chill out. They are fine, albeit a bit tied up." She said as she turned around and glanced over to the five Gokaigers, all chained up, with their hands behind their back, making it severely difficult for them to try anything.

"KION!" The five cried out.

"We're fine, nobody's hurt!" Fuli shouted out.

"For now at least." Bunga remarked.

Kovu stood up from his seat and walked over to the five. He stared down at Bunga and smirked, before kicking him right in the head. "Whops, my foot slipped!" He said.

This just angered Kion even more. As it took every ounce of self restraint for him not to blow up at the two. "Let's make a deal, Kion!" Kiara suggested. "I'll give you back your team, but in return we get what we are rightfully owed."


"The Ranger Keys, the Ship, All of it. Everything we need to find the greatest treasure in the universe!"

Kion went silent, as he desperately tried to think of a solution to the problem, however his brain could conjure up nothing. Kiara quickly took notice due to the sudden silence. "Awww, it's really tough isn't it. Well, even if you don't comply, I could just turn your crew over to the Kisasi and collect their bounties....Until then!"

Kiara hung up, as she once again turned her attention over to the five Gokaigers she and Kovu had in custody. "You guys are surely an odd bunch." She said,

"Kion's not going to give up that easily! He swore to find the Greatest Treasure In The Universe!" Rani retorted.

Kiara laughed out of amusement. "Y'all really don't know him don't you. It really amazes me that you five haven't figured it out yet!"

"What do you mean?" Ono questioned.

"Aside from that 'Jasiri', Kion didn't have many friends his age growing up. This is the first time he has a group of friends. You see, Kion's problem is that he cares too much. An awfully pathetic weakness if you ask me. So he has two options, and either way, we win in the end!"

"Y'know what, you're right!' Fuli said. Everyone faced Fuli, perplexed by what she was saying. "Say, why don't I join your crew."

"FULI!" Everyone but Bunga shouted.

"HA! I KNEW IT! Ono you owe me!" Bunga cheered.

"What? There's nothing wrong with being on the winning side!' Fuli argued.

The Yellow Ranger stood up. While the other four somewhat believed her, once they noticed her crossing her fingers, they knew what she was thinking.

The Gold and Black cladded duo approached the Girl. "So, what do you say?" Fuli asked.

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