Chapter 1- Beginning

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A/N: Hey guys!!! I'm finally back I just got done watching Vampire Academy so I thought I'd work on this but I did change/add a few things to this chapter so you may want to re-read it. :) Please note that I have only seen the movie and have not been able to read the books yet so I am deciding to write how I wish the end of the movie was. Anyway...that's all I have to say, have fun reading!

*Rose's POV*

St.Vladimir's Academy isn't just any boarding school-it's a hidden place where vampires, or Moroi, are educated in the ways of magic,(fire,air,earth,and water,) and half human teens train to protect them. I, Rose Hathaway, am a Dhampir, a bodyguard for my bestfriend Lissa Dragomir , a Moroi vampire princess. Lastly there's Strigoi... otherwise known as rouge vampires or vampires who killed someone for enjoyment. Their highly dangerous, monstrous things.


"Rose you're so brave and strong and bold. Sadly you have many other oppurtinities to kill Strigoi." Dimitri says to me while looking me in the eyes with so much emotion running through his own.

"You lied about your feelings for me..." I whispered and Dimitri was quiet for a few seconds.

"Yes... I did..." He whispered.

"Why would you do that?" I asked amazed he admitted he had some kind of feelings for me.

"It's more than my age and my position at the academy. Our allegiance is to the Moroi, if I let myself love I wouldn't throw myself in front of the princess... I would throw myself in front of you..." He says causing me to smile and my eyes to water.

"It's're reasons for not loving me just...make me love you more..." I say and a tear falls down my right cheek.

He wipes the tear away, "One last kiss for my Roza...without love charms of course..." He says and we both giggle then I lean in and capture his lips in a quick hard kiss. As I pull away from him I feel more tears running down my face.

"Goodbye Dimitri..." I whisper and try to smile but fail.

"Goodbye Roza..." He whispers and my heart clenches as he calls me by my nickname he gave me. Unable to bear looking at him any longer I sprint to my dorm, well as best as I can with these damn heels.

When I finally make back to my dorm I collapse onto my bed and just cry my eyes out. Loving someone you can't be with sucks. It's like losing a friend you were really close with... you feel so numb that without them your nothing.

After about an hour of crying and blaming myself for falling in love with my guardian I wipe my tears away and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

Stripping myself of my clothes I put the waterproof sling on my cast,as to not ruin it, and then hop in the shower turning the water on almost burning hot. I'm washing my hair when I recall one of my favorite memories.

"When I start killing Strigoi left and right I'm gonna have to cut it all off won't I?" I question as I run my hand through my ponytail. "Sorry that sounded really girly." I giggle.

"You can wear it up." Dimitri simply responds.

"Doesn't a Dhampir need to keep their molnija marks exposed?" I shoot back and rub my neck.

"Don't ever cut your hair. Wear it up." He smiles and walks away.

I laugh at the small memory as tears prick my eyes but I wipe them away and turn off the water. Stepping out of the shower I towel dry my hair and body then decide to just put on a plain black nightgown and tie my hair in a high ponytail. Collapsing onto my bed I try to get some sleep but all I can think about is Dimitri.

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