The bell test....

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3rd POV

Kakashi looked around as he looked within the trees.

Kakashi: they've gotten better........but I hope I can finish this quick so I can read my new book......

Y/N: don't worry. THIS WILL be quick Kakashi sensie.

Kakashi spins around and sees no one. He had just heard Y/N's voice right behind him. He knew it wasn't his mind playing tricks.

Kakashi mentally: he's gotten this fast.........

Y/N stands in a tree watching Kakashi. During the three years Naruto was gone and becoming hokage. He had been training harder then he had ever been before doing every training regiment each hokage ever did making him even stronger then ever. With this his chakra reserves which were already huge became even bigger then before. Y/N stares at Kakashi for a bit before his mangekyo sharingan activates. He holds up his hand and begins to form a rasengan.

Y/N: to time this juuuuuuust........

He shifts right next to Kakashi and swings to Rasengan at him but Kakashi swung his hand and he had formed a chidori and both attacks collided. Both stare at each other intensely as they push there attacks together before jumping back.

Kakashi: quick as ever I see. But I hope there's more to you then your shifting through space technique Hokage-Sama.

Y/N chuckles as he activates his eye begins to spin a bit before stopping. Both stare at each other before both firing at one another and both begin to fight each other with intense blows and punches. As they do-


Kakashi barley dodges a punch from Sakura and Y/N and Narutos eyes widened.

Y/N: wow you got strong!!!! I think you pack a punch almost as hard as me!!!!

Sakura giggle and smiles at him.

Sakura: thanks!!! I've been training super hard with Lady Tsunade!!!

Tsuande: Sakura always was a great student!!! Even better then you!!!

Y/N mentally: ouch....

Tsuande: your good as well!!! If you didn't focus so much on the other hokages you would be a good student to me!!!!

I sigh before watching Naruto fight Kakashi sensei almost matching him. I smile at him.

Y/N: Naruto sure has gotten strong hasn't he?

Sakura: yeah!! Seems like training under jiriya helped him alot!!

Y/N: yeah...........

Sakura: by the way. I never asked. Who trained you?

Y/N: oh. Multiple people trained me actually.

As I say this I do multiple hand signs and smirk before placing my hand to the ground.

Y/N: some really powerful people too. Wood style. Naivety World of trees.

The ground begins to crack as multiple trees begin to emerge. Kakashi and Naruto notice this and quickly hold onto higher trees that had already grown. In a few minutes we were inside of a large forest with large trees.

Y/N: well? What do you think Kakashi sensie?

Kakashi: wood style hm? That's impressive enough And a technique the first hokage made nonetheless. I must say Lord Sixth. You are quite the powerful hokage........

I smile and chuckle.

Y/N: thank you. Now then.

I close my eyes for a few moments before slowly opening them again.

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