iii. Alan Frog.

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— in which the reader is instantly smitten with alan after he comes to her rescue.
alan frog x plus size!reader

word count: 2,756

warnings: mild fat-phobia, harassment, body insecurities, swearing, mild angst, but alan being a complete sweetie!

A/N: for all my fellow plus size bbs out there, we're all so lovely just the way we are <3 mwah


The Frog comic book store was desolate. It was a slow day surprisingly, but maybe it was due to the fact that it was a Sunday. And most people took the last day of the weekend to rest before attempting to conquer the week ahead. But, of course, Edgar and Alan Frog were not one of those people.

Edgar had just checked out one of the few people that had actually came in that day, and Alan was busy restocking shelves. The boy with the black hair muttered a swear as one of the comics that he had picked up had accidentally slipped out of his grasp, but he simply picked it up with ease.

When he fully stood back up, he noticed a girl rushing into the comic book store. She turned to look back outside, and then continued to make her way in. Due to the fact that Alan and Edgar were so keen on basically stalking every customer that entered their shop, he took notice to how jittery the girl was. But, he couldn't deny how gorgeous she was.

He found himself becoming confused after a few short moments, though. Her arms were wrapped around herself, as if she were trying to hide something. He also noticed that she definitely did not look like the type of girl that would enjoy comics. But, he figured that maybe she had a brother, or maybe even a boyfriend that she was shopping for.

The girl looked completely lost as she scanned the comics, none of which seemed familiar too her... or even interesting at that. Alan was never one for socializing with customers, and only really did if he really had to, but he felt drawn to at least ask her a question,

"Hey," he called out, walking from behind a shelf. She looked over at him, a random Spider Man comic in hand, "Do you need help with anything?"

Alan noticed the look of nervousness on her face as he studied her up and down, just trying to figure out why she seemed to anxious, and she turned red as she looked out the store once again.

But then, she turned back to him, "Um—no. I think I'm okay... but, thanks."

Alan probably wouldn't have been able to hear her if she talked anymore quieter, as her voice was almost in a whisper. Maybe she was just shy, and maybe she really didn't need any help. So, he nodded and went back to stocking a different shelf, reminding himself to turn his head and see where she was at in the store every now and then.

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