viii. Edgar Frog.

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gif credit: (unknown) pls lmk if you guys find the original creator!

— in which edgar frog falls for a girl who's a teen mom.

word count: 4,657
(this one is really long, but honestly one of my favs. there's most likely gonna be a part two bc i'm an absolute whore for this trope)

warnings: swearing, teen pregnancy, mentions of sex, mention of postpartum, eddie being a softie <3, that's all!


Edgar Frog had experienced multiple odd things, witnessed the most unusual and seemingly impossible things happen. That was one of the multiple luxuries in exchange for living their for your whole life.

It seemed as if he almost became immune to the concept of what was weird, and what was not. I mean, people might even say that Edgar and his brother were weird, but it didn't affect him. If anything, he enjoyed weird. He enjoyed hearing about morbid things, the topics of conversation that would make other people's skin crawl.

And that was how Edgar Frog had always been, until one one particular day, a girl who seemed around his age, a boy who looked a little younger, and then a baby who looked to be a year old walked into the store. Of course, the girl had the baby in her arms, and it was whining about something miscellaneous most likely.

Edgar had grown used to hearing babies and toddlers whine, but that didn't mean he enjoyed hearing it. He rolled his eyes as the younger boy began to scramble throughout the store, seeming as if he were searching for something specific.

"Just try and find the comic real quick, alright? We gotta go pick Mom up from work," Edgar heard the girl tell the boy, and he nodded as he continued to skim through the various amounts of comics.

Edgar and Alan watched them, as they did with most people who came into the store. They watched the girl poke at the baby's nose, and the baby let out a small giggle. She pressed small, feathery kisses to the baby's nose, which he seemed to enjoy.

After a few minutes, the boy dragged the girl up to the counter, and she somehow managed to reach into her purse, and pull out her wallet, the baby still in her arms. Edgar couldn't lie and say that he wasn't impressed, as he knew if he was ever faced with such a task, he would not be able to do it.

Edgar rang them up in silence, Alan watching as the baby attempted to reach for a skittles bag that was on the counter,

"Mumma! Mhm! Mhm!" the baby let out, and the girl looked down at the skittles,

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