ix. Alan Frog.

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— in which alan lets the reader give him a makeover.

word count: 901

warnings: fluff!! maybe a bit of swearing


"Just hold still, Al!"

The Frog brother groaned, accepting his fate at his girlfriend's demands.

This whole scenario had began when you had stayed over at his apartment just the night before with him and Edgar, and you woke up the next day, beginning to get ready to hang out with some of your other friends. Every time you stayed over with your boyfriend, you always managed to wake up earlier and sneak out of his arms and get the day started before him or his brother could.

Alan noticed after getting out of the shower you almost nose deep into a handheld mirror, making a weird face as you applied mascara. He was so confused as to why you refused to leave the house without makeup on, as he thought that you were stunning either way. I mean, at the beginning at the relationship, Alan noticed how terrified you were for him to see you without makeup on, and he could never understand why.

But, of course, as time went on... you quickly got over that. You knew that Alan saw you as beautiful either way, so you stopped putting in so much effort when you knew it would just be the both of you hanging out. This rule of course, did not apply to when you had other plans with other people.

He watched you the whole time as you put the finishing touches on your face, scrunching his eyebrows every time he saw you applying a bit more blush. Even at one point, his eyes widened when he saw you put the eyeliner pencil so close to your eye without even flinching.

Finally, you couldn't stand his curious eyes burning into the side of your face anymore;

"What? Do you want a makeover or something, babe?" you chuckled,

He scoffed, "No! I'm just worried about you—poking your eyes out or something... that—thing could kill a bloodsucker, Y/N!" he responded, pointing at the eyeliner pencil.

You giggled at him and his obliviousness nature,

"Al... I promise—I know what I'm doing," you reassured him, "I've done this almost every single day since I was thirteen..."

One thing lead to another, and the next thing Alan knew, you were sitting on his lap, carefully apply mascara to his eyelashes. He would huff every now and then, as he was not particularly enjoying the whole experience.

You definitely were, though. You would giggle every time he would pout, or sigh. Unlike other, you thought your boyfriend's grumpy demeanor was adorable. But, maybe it was because you knew what lie underneath the exterior.

"Babe..." Alan groaned, pushing your hand away gently, "Are you almost done?"

You chuckled, "Yes! Just let me finish putting the lipstick on!"

He clicked his tongue, and rolled his eyes at you, which earned him a light slap to the arm. He stared at you, waiting patiently, but still not forgetting to take in your features.

"Okay... done!"

You reached over and grabbed your mirror, and flipped it to show him. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, analyzing his face,


He didn't respond, just simply shot you a small smile,

"I hate it." he responded in a laugh, and you frowned immediately, "No, babe! It looks amazing! Just—not on me!"

You attempted to crawl out of his lap, but he pulled you back swiftly by kissing your lips.

You pulled away from the kiss, "You're mean!"

He was amused by the pout on your face and he stroked your cheek as he stared at you,

"It does look amazing, though... I gotta give it to myself," you smirked, studying the makeup on his face. "Can I pluck your eyebrows next?"




"Just a couple—"


You groaned in defeat, and that's when Alan finally let you crawl out of his lap,

"Fine! But, I'm taking a picture!" you scoffed, going over to your bag and grabbing out your polaroid camera. He rolled his eyes at this, but sighed and stood up, already knowing that he wouldn't be able to deny.

"Alright..." you started, putting the camera up to your eye, "Say cheese, pretty boy!" you giggled.

Alan let out a small smile, his famous one that you always adored. The camera clicked, and you instantly put the camera down as you waited for the polaroid to come out and develop.

"Never... and I mean ever... show that to anyone..." he pleaded, watching the polaroid as it slowly developed in your hand. You looked over at him and chuckled,

"Awww, why not, Al? You look so pretty!"

You began to smother his face in kisses, the picture now long forgotten as you tossed it onto his bed. He sent you a small smile, relishing in the feeling of your lips showing him affection. The boy could never be frustrated or annoyed with you, no matter how hard he tried.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and in walked Edgar with a confused look on his face.

You two looked over, Alan's eyes widened as he stared at his brother. Edgar crossed his arms as he noticed the paint on his brother's face, and he shook his head as he looked at you,

"You know what? I'm not even gonna ask..."

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