Part 18

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Vance looked at Jack then back to Gibbs. "Excuse us for a minute Mr Gideon."

"Of course." The young man nodded with a smile as he leaned against the stair rail.

"Agent Sloane, agent Gibbs, my office." The director said, pointing to his closed door.

Once they were inside The Director's office, Vance said. "Before you say anything Gibbs, you know I had to call child services and I think we both know you weren't going to."

"It would have been nice to get a little heads up before he got here." Gibbs said, crossing his arms.

Vance looked at Jack slightly confused. "Jack didn't tell you?"

"You knew too! Come on Jack!"

"Cowboy I- Look, Leon called and wanted me to tell you before, and I should have told you, I'm sorry." Jack says, putting her hand on Gibbs' arms.

"Yeah but ya didn't Jack, anything else you need to tell me?" Gibbs sighed, pulling away from her touch.

She hesitated for a second then sighed. "Gibbs, please don't be like that, I should have told you. I'm sorry, really I am."

"Quit breaking my rules, would ya?" Gibbs smiled ever so slightly.

"Being that you both have been working closely with the Gibeon girls, you should be the ones to tell them." Leon said, raising an eyebrow at the two of them.

"Yeah Leon is right, Kate and Kelly should hear the news from us, come on Cowboy." Jack said as she started walking to the door.

"Okay." Gibbs said following her.

Once they got to where Felix Gideon was waiting, he asked. "That's them down there huh?" He gestured to Kate and Kelly.

"Uh huh." Gibbs nodded.

"Kate looks all grown up, it's uh been awhile I guess.." Felix said. "So..." He added, looking as if he forgot to say something. "It's uh too bad what happened to Jesse. He was my big bro's best friend, do ya know why he was killed?"

"Unfortunately that case has been handed over to very capable agents at the FBI." Leon said. "Now you must excuse me, there's a video conference I must attend, pleasure meeting you Mr Gibeon." He nodded before walking to his office once more.

"Felix., Kate and Kelly don't know about this yet and they have been staying with agent Gibbs and I for the last few weeks, would it be alright with you if we broke the news?"

"Oh yeah of course." Felix's phone began to ring. "Is there some place I can take this?"

"Yeah, conference room down the hall, first door on the left." Gibbs pointed.

"Thanks." Felix nodded as he left.

"Come on Cowboy, let's go tell the girls." Jack said, squeezing Gibbs' hand in hers as they walked down the stairs to the bullpen.


"So why do you think the Director wanted to talk to Gibbs and Jack?" Ellie whispered to Nick as he leaned on her desk.

Nick smiled mischievously at her and said. "I don't know, maybe there's a case or maybe he knows about them."

McGee looked at them both and rolled his eyes, saying. "I don't think he's as invested in Gibbs' love life as you guys are, can we just work on the paperwork please?"

Gibbs slipped his hand out of Jack's, as they stopped at the base of the stairs where Kelly ran up to meet them.

"So what did the guy want?" Kelly asks.

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