Part 22

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The next morning at NCIS; the elevator door opened, Nick and McGee walked out.

Ellie met them at the entrance. "Finally! Come on, we gotta do this right!" She says, dragging Nick and McGee to their respective desks.

"Morning to you too." Nick smiled.

"Good morning Nick, now down to business."

"Okay, well Ellie looks like you started already, so what did you find?" McGee gestures to her desk covered files.

"Well I found the address of Jack's mystery woman and her husband, Lieutenant Benjamin Payne; they live in Hillcrest Heights."

"Great, you and Nick check them out, Gibbs and I will head back to the Carl Vinson."

"Uh McGee I don't think Gibbs is here.." Bishop said.

"Gibbs' rule 3: "Never be unreachable." Did you try calling him?" McGee asked.

"Yeah I just did, no answer." Bishop shrugged.

"But it's 8:35, I've worked with Gibbs for 17 years, he's never been late.. unless he's in trouble."

Nick smiled, mischievously. "Well man, I can tell you where his phone is." Nick said, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"He'd kill us if he knew." McGee sighed. "But he could need our help."

Director Vance comes to the railing. "Good morning agents, where's Gibbs?"

"He's not here yet." Bishop answered.

"Huh how unlike him, well when he comes in please tell Gibbs I'm looking for him." Vance says, still watching them.

McGee nodded.

"Oh looks like he's still at his house." Nick says.

"I'll go check on him, you guys go talk to Lieutenant Payne and his wife." McGee said, slinging his backpack on his shoulder before leaving the bullpen.

"Agent McGee, I need to speak with agent Gibbs as soon as possible. Would it interfere with the investigation if I were to meet you there and have a word with him first?" Vance asked.

"Not at all, of course, Director." McGee said.

Nick and Bishop walked to the elevator with McGee behind them and Vance walked down the stairs, once the doors opened they all walked inside.


Fornell was in the kitchen looking around for a pan to scramble some eggs on when he looked over the couch and smiled. "Huh. Well what do we have here?"

There Gibbs slept hugging Jack as she lay on his chest curled up underneath a light blue blanket.

Fornell laughed to himself and started a pot of coffee for the three of them.


Jack sat on the couch, resting her hand on the arm rest and watching as Gibbs as he came back up the basement stairs holding the bottle of bourbon and two glasses.

She sat up as he walked to the couch. "Thank you Cowboy."

Jack calling him Cowboy always brought a smile to Gibbs face and this time was no different.

"No problem." Gibbs shrugged before pouring them both a drink and sitting next to Jack. He then sighed, taking his drink and leaning back into the couch.

Jack rolled her eyes at him, taking her own glass and leaning on his shoulder. "So what are you trying to ask me?"

"Nothing." He says taking a sip of his bourbon.

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