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Aahir's POV:

One 'YES'!!!
Just one single 'Yes' which came out of my mouth has right now resulted in an intracranial injury which has caused a concussion in my brain and if this madness which had begun around me doesn't stop would definitely result in chronic traumatic encephalopathy!!!

My family has gone mad!!!
My parents have announced like it's the most important bulletin on the board to the entire world that 'Aahir Sehgal has agreed to get married!!!' and the craze that had followed this stupid announcement is on another level!!!

And the first proposal I received was of none other than the girls I'm scared of!!!
The twins!!!
Ufff!!! Lavanya-Vanshika!!!
Like Malu aunty are you serious???
They are the nightmares I've been scared of since my childhood!!!
The minute Malu aunty announced it I jumped on the sofa making my grandmother BD laugh out like crazy. My father was hugging her and laughing while my mother was giving a hi-fi to my grandfather MD.

Seriously??? They think it's a joke???

'But why Aahir??? You know each other from childhood...you folks had grown-up together' while I was thinking of a reason and I spat out the most lame reason...

'They...they are elder than me...I mean 2 years...hawwwww' I said while BD and MD rolled their eyes and said
'If you think we are orthodox sorry baby...we didn't even have an issue with your Chaahat aunty going in a live-in relationship in those times...you think we would bother for these lame reasons
..we love Vansh and Lav and we would be more than happy to have one of them as our grand daughter in law' BD broke the bomb and I almost choked on my saliva!!!

Holy crap!!!
Those tv buffs...
What shitty tv soap was that which they used to watch???
Some snake married some bear giving birth to some demon!!! God bless the makers and these viewers!!!
To add on I have heard that one of the twin now works as a popular television vamp!!!
Added on!!! Malu aunty now writes tv soap operas too!!!
Crazy family!!! I would end up doing my own open heart surgery!!!

So I just said a big NO!!!
I saw Malu aunty looked a little low now but I had to really think about myself too!!!

'Have you met my daughters now Aahir?' Malu aunty asked me angrily. Well I hadn't and honestly I didn't really want to!!!

'Sorry if I offended you aunty...but I don't want to.. actually it's not about them I don't want to get involved with any of our family friends...it's complicated!!! And I don't want to mess up age old bonds... imagine I and the girl dont gel well and I break or if I get divorced'

'Hayoooo Rabba..(Oh God)' my mother whined and shouted saying 'Chup oye Khotteda (Shutup up you idiot)' and I smiled shaking my head. My mother had shivers at the thought of breakup. She's so cute!!!

I saw Malu aunty rolling her eyes and saying...
'Whatever!!! my munchkins are one in a billion... hard luck Sehgal boy' Malu aunty said and there stood my mother raising an eyebrow at Malu aunty!!!

Are we having mommy wars now???
'My Aahir is one in a zillion then Mrs Khanna!!!' she taunted and held my arm and I could feel the heat rising in the room!!!

Can I run away from here please!!!

'Well doesn't matter...My Vansh and Love would still find the best!!!'

'I hate you Malu' mom exclaimed

'As if I love you babes!!!' Malu aunty looked at her nails!!!

Damnnnnnn!!! It's just a day and this looks so so bad!!! Can someone parcel me back to my CATH lab in Sydney!!! I'm happy tearing chests!!!

'Mummaaaaa yaaaar seriously!!! I'm not doing this nonsense' I shouted at her as she forced to fill up a stupid online form of enrollment to some real flashy website named

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