She makes my heart go 'Arrhythmic' 🦋✨❤️ - Part 2

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Aahir's POV:

'Mumma yaar I was going to tell you but then I wasn't sure ... Infact I still need time yaar' I tried convincing her but my mother sat on the sofa with a mad frown on her face. And Malu aunty was consoling her.

Malu aunty in my life is that tv serial vamp!!! Our local version of Komolika!!!
And that nerdy Shika...she sent those pics to my mother, Malu aunty added some spices into it and my darling brother Aaryan went on adding tempering garnishing and here they are now with a dish called 'Aahir dum Biryani!!!'

''s ok ..big deal if he tried to hide it from you...I'm still your bestie what if Aahir didn't stand follow his own words...' Malu aunty kept saying to my mother and I really couldn't understand if she was consoling or adding litres of diesel into burning pyre!!!

'What words aunty?' I asked and Malu aunty spoke up all at once...

'Remember??? I would never want to complicate relationships...I would never agree for someone within the family remember????' Malu aunty smirked and I closed my eyes!!!

Damn this oldie definitely eats almonds!!! Remembers everything!!!

'Let it be Malu...I'm pretty much upset with him..' and I was worried at once...

'Mumma Neiyat is a great girl... she's so kind, so gentle, so caring, so beautiful, so sexxxx' and I heard my mother clear her throat...

'I never said she's not!!! I'm only upset you hid it from me my calf!!!' mom said looking elsewhere...

I went to her and hugged her warm and said...
'I swear Ma...the minute I realised I decided to tell it to you...I wasn't sure about it till yesterday...infact I still feel I need time...I haven't spoken to Neiyat yet...I mean what if she denies!!!'

'Impossible!!!' my mother jumped at once and held my shoulders...

'My son is one in a perfect, so genuine, such a obedient are any mother's dream child sweetheart...and I'm proud of you Aahir...not just for your achievements or your behaviour...but because of your girl can ever reject my Aahir... Infact let me right now talk to Neiv Bhai' mom ran to pick her mobile to dial onto Neiv uncle but I quickly stopped her...

'Mumma stop it... I haven't spoken to Neiyat yet...let me talk to her first... that girl is still busy finding brides for me... unknown to the fact that I have already found my bride!!!' I whispered the last line softly while my mother came to me and kissed my forehead saying...

'I am extremely happy for you my calf... she's just the perfect girl for our family and above all she is Chah Di's daughter... nothing better than that...I can't believe Malu what we joked about is actually coming true today...I don't know how to contain this excitement...' my mother looked hyperactive...

I held her shoulders saying...
'Mummmmma calm down and for god's sake give me sometime...let me talk to Neiyat first and then we can plan!!!'

'Plan what Dr Sehgal' Malu aunty asked in a teasing tone while I was trying to hide my blush.

'Its ok Aahirjiiii...look at your have turned a ripened tomato' my mother gave Malu aunty a hi five and I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. These both old ladies can go all 'David Letterman' on me!!! So I silently escaped.

She kept shooting me with her russet brown witch like 'devil orbs' and scowled at me while I simply pushed the picture silently off to the other side of the table.

Clock was ticking 12am already and I feared what if she really turned a witch as the devil's hour approached. As it is she keeps screaming like a mad woman every time I say I didn't want to meet the girl because either she was a dumbo or a bimbo!!!

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