Yours forever Sweetheart✨❤️

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Neiyat's POV:

He's my life!!! He's my love!!! He's my everything. I can't imagine my life without him.

And at that very thought I burst out into tears. While Aahir slowly caresses my head and asks with concern..

'Sweetheart...are you fine??? Shhhhhh...stop crying...' saying he slowly draws circles on my back when I speak up in my broken voice...

'I ....I was scared Aahir....I don't want to loose you baby.. I can't imagine loosing you!!! I can't....' there's so much I want to tell him but my words are not supporting me. It's like my vocabulary doesn't have the right words. I sniffle my tears when I slowly feel him cupping my cheeks and he pulls me upfront and closer and without any prior intimation he smashes his lips roughly against mine and I surrender to the love of my life.

He slowly takes my lower lip into his mouth and carefully enjoys the kiss as I enjoy it even more. His mint breath makes me feel alive as his beautiful lips slowly chew my lower lip and then attacks my upper lip even more rigorously. It's like he poured all his pain and love in that kiss and every dangling doubt and fear was washed away by his beautiful mouth with which he bestowed this beautiful kiss upon me. His hands squeezed my waist and my hands held his shoulders tightly. Just when I thought he would stop he shoves his tongue dominantly in my mouth and I feel how carelessly he overpowers me. He ruled me right now and I loved submitting myself to him. After a brief minute when  we were out of breaths he left my mouth but the next minute I feel his lips on neck. He had slowly begun to kiss me and leave wet kisses and small bites on my neckline and I was going crazy.

But our moment was broken by a voice...
'If the adult movie has got over and our lucky neighbors got a good visual treat can we please walk downstairs Future Mr and Mrs Sehgal.' and this time it was Sanchi who stood there closing her eyes and giggling loudly.

'Get lost Chichi... There's something called privacy' Aahir said still not stopping his kisses on my neck while I helplessly try to push him away but he holds my hands and pushes me more into him and bites my neck posesively and I yelp.

'Hayeeeee... privacy would be given to you Mr Majnu...we will officially get you both trapped in a legal something then you can officially make me an aunt...but till then control your hormones Riri... she's going to be your wife soon...she already gets scared and nervous around you... don't make her get a heartattack. We know you are a cardiologist but you don't need to experiment your skills on your future wifey!!!' she yelled but Aahir was adamant. His kisses only went onto being more and more hungry.

'Oyeeee despo... I will personally make sure you get the privacy to make out with your love later...for now...Aaru aunty wants to talk to you both!!! Come down guys and listen... here's the tissue packet. Clean up yourselves!!!' saying she giggled and left from there running downstairs.

While I slowly whispered...
'Aahir....' and he smiled against my neck and whispered low...

'Haaan Aahir ki Jaan (Yes Aahir's life)' and I blushed like a rose.

He slowly lifted his face to meet my eyes and smiled saying...
'Nervous are we?' and I nodded saying...

'Aaru aunty...I....I have hurt her a lot too' and he slowly tucked my hair strands behind my ears and slowly set my necklace right and said...

'Hmmmm yes...Mumma is a little extra emotional about me... she's a little posessive too but then she knows everything and she also played along. She understands Neiyat!!! She knows it's not easy for everyone!!! And you know what...words alone are not the way to confess are they???' he asked and my eyes filled up.

'I wanted you to accept me Neiyat! For what I am! Without a single ounce of doubt inside you! Nothing else! Ofcourse I still want to hear those golden words from you but then I know what you feel for me and I know eventually it will make its way on to your tongue too..
Till then!!! Let me tease you a little...
Because I just noticed when I talk to you things I wanna do to go all kitten mode on from your otherwise lioness mode default!!!' he says and I look elsewhere biting my lower lip.

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