Wish I had a chance ❤️🥺

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Neiyat's POV:

My heart was thumping loudly as I stood infront of the door. The door which I was never hesitant to barge into earlier today looked like an entry to a lion's cave.

He is a MARRIED man!!!
Someone else's Husband!!!
And I'm going to look into the arrangements for his wedding night with his newly wedded wife.
Opening needs courage!!! Do you have it in you Neiyat!!!
Never imagined that the 100th couple would be this complicated to handle!!!
Closing my eyes tightly one last time I stepped into the room.

The room was lit up with candles, white and blue orchids. I felt my throat going dry. I slowly took a step ahead and noticed a huge photograph of Aahir and Sanchi hung on the all opposite to the bed.

The photograph screamed into my face that they are married now!!!

My eyes welled up but I quickly wiped my tears and looked around. I was only doing a formality of looking into the room because honestly I didn't have the strength to bother looking around. I noticed the balcony door was left open so I quickly closed the same when I heard the knob click and his strong fragrance hit my nose and I heard him.
'Let me know the results of echo and TMT. Infact...just send me the reports. I'll tell you if we have to go for an angiogram'

I leaned a little towards the wall as I heard his voice. He dropped the call and the next minute our eyes met.

There were no exchange of words. The silence was killing me which however was broken when I heard...
'Riri...god I'm so tired....uffff...just help me with this na' saying she was turning around asking Aahir to unveil her hair bun and all of a sudden it was awkward!!! Embarassing!!!

I wanted to burry myself 6 ft underground. I didn't want to see this. I can't see this.

'Ex.... excuse me....ummm...I....I.... came here to...I just....I...ummm...the dec... decorations...that....I....' I tried to gather words when I heard Sanchi...

'Came to decorate our room for the wedding night!!! Hummmm nice!!! You did a pretty nice job Neiyat!!! Thanks... now bye!!!' Sanchi said and my eyes were stuck on the man she owned now!!!


He stood there looking into my eyes without even blinking. There was no emotions on his face.

I nodded and slowly began walking beside them when I heard Sanchi again...
'Neiyat!!! Won't you congratulate us ..after all now we are officially Mr and Mrs Sehgal!!!' she said clutching onto Aahir's bicep and I felt like someone poked a hundred pins in my chest.

'Con....con .. congratulations!' I whispered with a lot of difficulty and began rushing towards the door when I heard Aahir's voice!!!

'Neiyat!!!' he said firmly and I felt goosebumps all over my body. His affect on me...Wooow!!!

I turned around and looked at him with my eyes filled with fresh tears when he said...

'Please close the door!!!' and it felt like someone slapped really hard on my face.

His eyes kept looking sharp into mine and I couldn't move. For the first time I didn't want this door to close. On the other side of that door my cousin and my love would touch each other, feel each other, sleep and embrace each other tonight!!! The feeling was terrible. But before I could react Sanchi closed the door with a thud!!!

And I felt like my world collapsed.
She was inside with the man I love!!!
They are married!!!
I felt everything going to a standstill. I began walking up the terrace. My chest felt heavy. The thought of just them being in each other's arms destroyed me. I wanted to breathe. It was choking me.

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