And the 'Apart-Fire' Ignites🔥🌋 Again 🙃

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Neiyat's POV:

Ved kept apologizing. He even apologized to Lavanya who however denied meeting him. No one at home knew about what he did to Lavanya that night but somehow I was scared to be with Ved after that. A strange fear kept engulfing me.

Finally the wedding date was also decided. It was decided to be a month from now. Somehow I wasn't happy about it. But Ved seems to have forgotten everything and tried to behave casual. He wanted to go on dates with me but I wasn't comfortable. I didn't know what to tell my parents, how to tell them about it and here Ved and his family had begun preparations for the grand wedding. Aahir had stopped meeting me. Aaru aunty had completely stopped coming home and had denied from being involved in the wedding preparations.

Malu aunty and my mother had begun the shopping although Malu aunty's sad smile every time pricked me. It's like this lady knows my soul. No wonder she's a writer. She reads me like a open book inspite of Lavanya not have told her about the incident that happened on the engagement night. I can't even imagine Malu aunty's reaction if she knew what happened that night.

Ved kept pestering me about shopping and after denying for a week I finally agreed. We bought dresses for my wedding but he insisted I do the lingerie shopping. He kept saying he wishes to see me wearing those. I was feeling extremely uncomfortable with him going the creep mode on. No one behaved like this ever with me. To add were those vulgar messages he kept sending me every night. I kept telling him I need time, I wouldn't get comfortable going all sexting with him just like that but then he kept saying he has the 'license' for it. This wedding had begun to choke me now.

When I denied him from the lingerie shopping he kept pestering me but when I threatened about leaving he stopped those dirty demands and we completed our shopping. Post shopping he insisted of a dinner and I agreed hesitantly but then he started driving somewhere into a secluded area and my heart was beating hard in fear. But then he suddenly stopped infront of a bungalow. It was in outskirts of Bangalore.

I was in two minds whether to go inside or not. Just then I got a call from Lavanya asking if we finished the shopping, while there was network issues, so I dropped her a message with my location details post which we began walking inside the bungalow and noticed that the network connectivity completely dropped.

'Come on in Babe...I have organised a romantic dinner date for us ..' he said and I skeptically stepped in. It was a lavish white bungalow..when I asked him who's is this bungalow he smiled and said...

'Our new house...we will stay here after marriage!' and I was shocked.

'We??? We are not going to Delhi???' to which he smirked and began pouring wine into two glasses and offered me one.

'Here...' he said and although I do drink occassionally I was scared. So I lied to him saying 'I don't drink' while he looked at me with a strange gaze and nodded.

'Let me show you the house' he said and he began taking me around. While I had a hundred questions in my head.

Why is he shifting to Bangalore?
What about his Delhi business?

Finally after showing me most of the house he took me upstairs to a lavish bedroom which had roses, wine, candles and what I saw next made me shiver in fear. There were kinky stuff like handcuffs, hunter and some which I didn't even know exactly what they were used for...

Just then I heard the door close with a thud and I turned around to see Ved smirk at me.

'Vvvved...wh... what are you trying to do?' I asked him while he poured himself a glass full of whisky and took it in one shot and said...

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