She understands ❤️

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Neiyat's POV:

I was shocked as he simply pulled out his frameless glasses and kept it inside his pant pockets and I kept looking at his actions. But before I could understand he pulled me by my waist and my breath hitched!!!

His shining eyes gazed on my lips for a brief interval and my eyes widened as my lips widened in a state of shock. But next minute he does the unthinkable...












He pulled out his handkerchief and stuffed it into my mouth!!!
And my I tried to shout but my mouth was shut!!! Before I could pull out the handkerchief he lifted me up yet another time in his arms in a bridal style and began carrying me to his beach house!!!

I began beating my hands and legs trying to protest but his grip tightened on my knees and suddenly I felt a shiver down my spinal chord!!! I couldn't utter a word...I only tried mentally cursing him and shooting daggers at him via my eyes. But he simply kept walking on the sand like I weigh nothing and entered his beach house where I noticed Luv and Shika pressing their lips hard trying to hide their smiles, my team was shocked and that jerk Aaryan who caused this mess simply smirked and sipped his beer like nothing happened here!!!

Can I punch these Sehgal brothers please!!!

Just then the elder Sehgal brother dropped me on the sofa in the living room like I'm some gunny bag filled with potatoes. I shot him an angry look and he smiled saying...

'Well now .. stay here...enjoy yourself...but please keep the volume low, you see it's a 12 year old boy's case that I'm dealing with I hope you folks understand and I really have no issues with you guys partying here!!! Okayyy?' he said the last word as he had already knelt down and was looking back into my eyes.

I nodded innocently and also kind of felt guilty because he was probably fighting to save a life while I was behaving like a 5 year old and trying to pull a silly fight against him.

He left in no time and party continued here. Nikhil hugged me and shouted at me for leaving like that and warned me never to do something like that ever again. My teammates and friends hugged me while Aaryan held his ears and apologized to me. I smiled and let that go but my mind wandered back towards Aahir who simply carried me back home and left to his room. He didn't apologize to me but he definitely seemed apologetic!!!

And Ishu Daadi says it's more important to feel rather than say it out loud. I smiled back and enjoyed our party. Ice emptied while making more drinks and I volunteered to check upon the fridge to help everyone with some drinks...

While passing by I heard him talking...I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the words simply fell on my ears...
'Dr.Nikita...Dr.Aakash...please understand if I had an alternative I would have suggested...but I even spoke to Dr Miles for a second opinion back in Sydney...this is it... surgery is the ultimate... so just go ahead and I'm on can call me anytime...' he said while I heard the lady on the other side say...

'Dr Aahir he's my nephew...I....I can't' while I heard Dr.Aahir's booming voice say...

'We are doctors have to do it... and you are one of the finest surgeons in Bangalore.. Dr Aakash and I have already asked senior surgeon Dr Anthony to join you guys in this surgery. He is a visiting doctor and was also my professor back in Sydney when I was studying. You don't need to worry Doctor. Sunny will be ok. And above's not the time to be emotional. Get practical. Prepare for the surgery. We have already delayed an hour more upon your request. I can't put Sunny's life at risk now. Dr Anthony must be reaching any time soon!!!' he spat a little rudely and he disconnected the call.

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