All that glitters isn't D.K 😈

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Neiyat's POV:

Mostly the elders walked out to the garden area to have their dinner. While I saw Lavanya kept whispering something in his ears and he laughed out loudly and I don't know why I was suddenly all so uncomfortable!!!

While Ved kept whining...
'Babe...I wanna dance....we are engaged... you're mine now!!!' he said at once holding my waist. Although I really wasn't willing to, he dragged me on the floor. Lights dimmed and we began dancing while the music switched and suddenly partners exchanged.

And next I knew was Aahir's strong wood fragrance hits my nose. I lift my head up to look at his brownish black ones hiding behind those frameless glasses. And automatically a smile appeared on my face and he said...

'Neiyat I'm a terrible dancer... save your engagement ceremony! I don't want to crash into people because honestly I don't even know how to move...this is so complex!!!' he said and I chuckled.

He is a big baby!!!

'Relax... here hold onto my waist' I said and his facial expressions changed. I kept looking into his eyes and said at once...

'You have to think so much...just few minutes ago you were all free with Lavanya... what's the issue with me...hold me Aahir!!!' I said and his lips parted slightly but he didn't move his hands. So I voluntarily held his left hand in my right and placed it on my waist. I could feel his fingers shiver as it touched my waist. I held his other hand in mine and slowly kept my right hand on his chest and although it was far from his left side I could literally feel his heart thumping so loud!!! I kept looking into his eyes and we moved to the slow music.

He looked too much worked up because of our posture right now. To relax him I began doing small talks with him, which gradually calmed him down and finally I asked him...

'What did you tell dad last night? He just agreed for this engagement!!! How???' I asked and he slightly smiled and then said...

'When you love only see their happiness and nothing else!!!' and I kept looking deep in his eyes while he suddenly broke the eye lock and said...

'Neiv uncle loves you a lot Neiyat!!! He would always want his Lady-Gabbar to be happy forever after!!!' and I don't know why I asked at once...

'And you Aahir??? Are you happy' and his eyes yet another time met mine and this time it felt like time stopped. We kept looking into each other's eyes for I don't know how long only for our concentration to be broken by a loud scream.

And we turned around to see Ved being thrashed left and right by a man while Lavanya kept shouting and pleading...

'Aditya please stop!!! Please please noooo please' she kept pulling the man but he behaved like a ghost had entered him. Like a boxing champion he began throwing punches on his already swollen face...

While we ran there to stop him while Ved's parents kept begging him...
'Mr Suryavanshi please stop... cannot do this ..he is our's his engagement ceremony' but the man didn't listen to a single word and kept smashing his face only for his nose to have broken and bled badly.

Aahir went and held him at once saying...
' down bro...relax!!! Stop stoppp' and dragged him behind. He was almost 6.3. Way taller and bulkier than Aahir was but Aahir somehow managed to pull him back.

Then he looked at Lavanya and his expressions softened as Lavanya whispered a 'Please...'

I couldn't really understand what happened...
Ved's mother walked into Ved and looked at his face and began cursing the man...

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