Kabini - Chapter 2 - The burning night 🌋

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Aahir's POV:

'Dr Sehgal...would you mind if we could move away from here...I need to talk to you...Dr Sehgal...Dr Sehgal' and I finally looked at her saying 'Ohhhh ummm yes sure..' I said. Her words fell on my ears but they weren't so important for me to answer. My concentration was still on Aaryan holding Neiyat a bit too close to my liking for a stupid selfie.

'Dr Sehgalllll' I heard Dr Chopra calling me and she looked quite annoyed this time. 'Im...I'm sorry Dr Chopra' ...' Umm shall we go this way' she asked and that's when I noticed Aaryan leading Neiyat towards the lake...

Why on earth are they going to a lake this late??? It's dark!!! What if!!! No no!!! But come on they are adults!!! So??? So what!!! Aaryan shouldn't do it!!!
I must stop him.

'Ummm Dr Ishika...Can we go by the lakeside...It looks beautiful' I said and she already looked uncomfortable, now huffed due to my statement saying 'Ok'...
And we followed Aaryan and Neiyat.

'Dr Sehgal ..it's been 15 mins we are walking I don't know where...we are not even talking...can we go back?' Dr Isha...Ishika whatever her name was!!! I was least interested. I didn't know where were these both headed to. I kept following them. Then they stopped at a place which had too many lavish tents. The ones better than ours. They were for relaxing rather than trekking. It gave me some sort of a richer vibe.

I was furious!!!
Don't tell me he has booked these lavish tents for them and those trekking ones for us??? I will kill Aaryan for sure!!!

They both stopped and started talking. Suddenly Aaryan's hands were on Neiyat's shoulder and they continued talking. I desperately wanted to hear them but this yap-yap machine that I brought along didn't Shutup for a minute! Without a go I used my age old trick. Pulled out my handkerchief and stuffed in her mouth and her eyes popped out. I held her hands captive by tieing them with my extra sweater asking her to hush hiding behind a tree where I could hear them.

'Ayu No Yaar...this is so wrong! Aarya aunty would be pissed I'm telling you!!!"

'Neiyat...I'm not a baby...I'm not underaged as well and this isn't the first time you know hmmm hmmmm' he said smiling like a creep and she slapped his chest.

What plans are they in???
No no...Aaryan and Neiyat??? Are they??? No no no!!!

'Ayu...but it's not safe' to which he showed her his backpack saying...
'Chill Nei ..there is a hell lot of protection in there!!!' and she slapped her forehead.

No Neiyat!!? Don't slap your forehead smash my brother's head into that nearby stone!!! Just smash his pea sized brain!!!

'But you won't tell anyone na...I really don't want a drama created!!! And anyways it's nothing serious...it's all 'friends sprinkled with some extra spice!!!' he said rubbing his hands against each other.

'Thats so wrong Ayu!!!'

'Its not Neiyat...'Without Commitment' being someone's for a night is fun!!!' he said...

'Its disgusting!!!"

Exactly!!! Disgusting horrible sick!!
He can't just do it with anyone like that!!!
And what rubbish fun is he talking about...

Hun te Main dasseya tenu funn!!!
(I will tell you whats fun!!!)

And next minute he pulled Neiyat into his embrace saying...
'Wish me luck Sexy!!!'

That's it!!!

I jumped upon him and began showering non stop slaps on him. At times his head, at times his face. I picked a stick and began beating the shit out of this 'Fun' boy while Neiyat stood there closing her mouth for a brief second and then tried to stop me.

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