Destiny Planned this one for us 💖

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Neiyat's POV:

I slowly took steps closer to him.
The name alone brings goosebumps right now!!! As and how time is passing my nervousness around him is increasing. I rubbed my cold hands against each other and walked towards him.

His back was still facing me as he kept looking towards the sky.

'A....Aa...Aah....Aahir!!!' I try calling him but my voice comes in a meek whisper, almost not even audible to me.

But he doesn't turn around. I rub my hands more as I feel the cool wind hitting my body making it even worse.

'Ahhhhnemmm' I clear my throat...and even then I don't see him turning around.


I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath and console myself.
'This is not tough!!! You can tell it Neiyat!!! You can tell him!!! Come on!!! Phewwwww' saying in one go I open my eyes and I gasp in fear as my eyes meet his stoic face.

His cold look, his angry face and to add on that bloody white deep v necked t-shirt giving me a breathtaking view of his strong chest as his hands are folded against his chest. But he looks sharp into my face and I swallowed my saliva.

'Hmmm tell!!!' he says and I swallow again audibly this time.

God this is tough!!!

'Ok...Aahir... listen...I... want to tell that... Ahmmm actually!!! You know this actually you know that...'

And he takes a step closer and looks deep into my eyes and I forget what I have to say...

'I....I....I....I.....ummmm....I....' and then next second he holds my wrist and a squeaky voice leaves my throat and my eyes widen in shock.

'What is it? What makes you nervous! It's just me and you!!! And you already know what I feel you!!!' he said softly yet I don't know why I was shivering. This feeling is all different. I have been with him all along. He's my best friend too and ideally I should be the most comfortable with him but today this sudden feeling of discomfort, a sudden urge to look into his eyes yet not able to face his gaze was all wierd to me.

Change in emotions towards a man, changes you so much? I kept looking elsewhere when I heard...

'Eyes here Neiyat Neiv Kapoor!!!' he said as his grip on my wrist tightened. He has held my hand before, we have hugged, heck we kissed and almost made out in Goa but today his mere touch soothed my senses so much. I slowly look up to meet his eyes and I realise how attractive his eyes are. With or without glasses they both are beautiful. But right now I'm glad to look into his brown eyes without a barrier of glass. It had a shine in them although they were tired and probably had fresh ounces of tears sometime ago.

I unknowingly take a step closer to him closing the distance between us and without my knowledge my hand rests on his chest. And I feel how his heartbeat quickened but like he knew any better his other hand reaches for my waist and pulls me closer closing every gap between us.

I was plastered to his strong body. Our breaths were ragged. I continue looking into his eyes while my lips quiver. I slowly bite my lower lip by taking it in between my teeth nervously and his gaze travels on my lips while I gulp.

Before I think his fingers slowly reach my lower lip and they slowly pull it out from the grip of my teeth and my breath hitched.

'Dont!!!' he whispers and I swallow audibly again.

He slowly moves his face closer to my cheeks and finally reaches my ears. His hot breath against my cheeks and ears in this cold night of Bangalore's extremely ruthless winter feels so warm. It makes me feel home.

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