(7) Astrid

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Your POV

"Wait, why do I have to go? Don't I already have them?" I asked.

"Y-yea. Kind of. Remember when you lost the Triforce of Power and Ganondorf took it, and you gave the Triforce of Wisdom to me, and gave the Triforce of Courage to Link when he left to save Hyrule. You still have them, but the Triforces are not at their full power."

"So I need to go and retrieve them?"

"Yes. You need to go to Astrid on The Isle Of Ember. She will tell you where to go." I just nodded.

"Here (y/n). I'll take you." Link said with his hand out. I took it and we started walking back to our horses.

"I'll come with." Dark said tagging along.

Link glared at him and said coldly, "Fine."

We got onto our horses and followed Link. Link led us to the docks, where a ship was docked. We went on the boat leading our horses. We put the horses in a couple of stalls and roamed around the boat.

"Linebeck! Linebeck where are you?!" Link shouted.

"Link?!" I turned around and saw a middle aged man running towards us. "Are we going to get more treasure?!" He said happily.

"No. We're going to take Princess (y/n) to The Isle Of Ember. She needs to recover the Triforces."

Linebeck huffed, "Ugh. Fine. Let's go."

~time skip to Isle of Ember~

"Astrid?!" Link yelled. We came onto an island and walked into a house that had a magic ball on a table that was in front of us and stairs that go down somewhere behind the table.

A women came up from the stairs. "Hey Astrid. This is Princess (y/n) and... Dark." He forced the words out of his mouth when he said Dark's name.

"Aw. Princess (y/n) I've been expecting you."

"Y-you have?"

"Of course. You're here to retrieve the Triforces."

"Yes. Do you know where I should look first?"

"Let's see." She started gazing into the ball and it lit up, lighting the whole room. "I see..." She broke away from the gaze and looked at me. "You must go to an ancient kingdom and find the library in the castle, you will receive the Triforce of wisdom there. After you will go to Ganondorf's castle and will retrieve the Triforce of Power. You will also receive the kiss of Courage and Darkness there."

"W-wait! She has to go to Ganindorf's castle!" Dark yelled behind me.

"Yes. She needs to receive the Triforce of power there." Astrid stated.

"Okay, fine but she's not going alone." Link said.

"She needs to go alone. But you will meet up with her at some point, when she is on her journey."

"But-" I cut Link and Dark off.

"Guys! I'll be fine. And like she said, if you guys come and meet up with me while I'm on my mission then you guys could wait a while. Okay?"

"B-bu-" I glared at both of them, "Fine." They sighed.

"But keep us up to date, by writing letters. Okay?" Link said.


"And if you don't write back then we'll come help."

"Got it. Oh goddesses I'm going to miss you guys so much." I ran and hugged them both and started to cry.

"We're going to miss you to (y/n)." Dark started playing with my hair and Link rubbed my back.

After a while we left and went back on the boat and sailed off.

"Wait! How do we find the ancient kingdom?" Link said.

"Oh. I have an idea. Being a princess has it perks." I said pulling a map out of my pocket.

"Whoa! How do you know if it's this one!" Dark said coming towards me. He put a hand on my arm and looked at the map.

"Well when I was being taught about the history and land of Hyrule, I found out that there is a kingdom that is ancient and abandoned. And it is never really on maps, because no one lives there anymore and it's just rusted up."


"Don't know. But I'll try to find out when I'm there."

"Okay let's see where to go." Link came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "West." He pointed west and the boat started turning to the direction where we were supposed to go. My journey has started.

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