(12) New Clone

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Links pov

"Dude hurry up and get your horse saddled!" Dark screamed at me.

"You should do the same thing!" I yelled back at him, looking at Gladiator, who wasn't saddled, like Epona. I looked at (y/n)'s horse, (h/n), and saw that she was saddled, I sighed.

"Ugh. Fine." Dark walked out of the bushes, with his clothes being a little damp.

We started saddling our horses, and rode off to Ganan's castle, that wasn't far in the distance.

~time skip~
Darks POV

We got into the borders of Ganan's castle. We were about to stop but something slammed into me and I fell to the ground.

I looked up at the thing... or should I say me...

I gasped and I just smirked.

Link came from behind and threw me off of me. Link got a good look at his face and gave a little scream.

"There's two of you?!?!"

"Uh... I had nothing to do with is, whatsoever!" I said quickly and putting my hands up in defense. I looked at me and he kept on smirking. "Who are you?!"

The guy kept smiling and smirking like he was the most handsome guy in Hyrule!!! And everyone knows, that's me.

He lunged at Link and he swung his sword at him. Link dodged and stabbed his sword towards him. It grazed his side, Link and I smiled, but all he did was smirk. He moved so quickly that Link didn't have time to react and shoved something in his mouth. Link went limp and fell to the dirt in a heap.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Who are you?!" I screamed.

"You'll find out soon enough." He said disappearing into a thick cloud of smoke. I thought only I could do that?!

He reappeared behind me and shoved a thick, sappy liquid in my mouth.

I felt my body shutting down, and tried to keep my eyes open, but failed, I fell to the ground, thinking about (y/n).

Your POV

The past couple of days weren't so bad. Ganandorf and Vaati hadn't been torturing me lately, instead a boy around my age, but maybe a year older, was visiting me.

I was okay with him visiting, cause I don't get visitors. But I hated how he talked, looked, and who his master was.

Master of course was Ganan. But worst of all he reminded me so much of Dark, well just the looks. He looked exactly like him, just older and maybe more built up.

He had the same red striking eyes, but his were harder and colder than Darks. His hair was white like Darks, but messier and his voice oozes out with venom, but when he's around me, he puts more venom into his words.

Today I was out of my cell, and in a big room of books (Ganan's library wasn't bigger than Darks though), which I don't mind, at all.

I looked at a book and opened it.

I didn't get far in the book, cause it was snatched away from me.

"Hey! Give it back!" I looked at the thief, and quickly apologized. I learned that I shouldn't yell at anyone here, or you get quite a beating. "Oh Goddesses, I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you..." I trailed off because I didn't know the name of Darks clone.

"Whatever... Night." He said.


"Just call me Night. I don't have a name. Ganandorf just created me and thought I would be better off with no name... and I agree. Night means empty to him." Darks clone said in a bored tone.

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