(24) ... Dark

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(S/n) - (Sons/ name)
Your pov

I sighed as I flopped onto my bed, exhausted.

I have been around Hyrule, trying to find Dark. I haven't eaten or slept much, the past few days.

"(Y/n)! Please open up!" Link yelled knocking on my door.

"Please Sister!" Zelda said with Link.

I groaned and screamed, "GO AWAY! IM NOT TALKING TO EITHER OF YOU!!!"

I heard them leave and I sighed angrily, ever since I saw Zelda and Link kissing after Dark went missing, I felt like I needed to find him.

I need him...

I groaned as I snuck out of my room, grabbed food from the kitchen, rope and weapons, and other things in order to live in the forest.

It got darker outside and I grabbed my lantern and lit it. I tied the rope around my window and started my way down the castle, with my bag full of supplies and sword at my side.

I hit the ground and ran off to the barn and hopped on (h/n). She neighed and I flicked her reins and she bolted towards the forest.

I roamed around, fighting monsters, hiding out in caves, and trying to stay alive through the harsh weather.

-Couple days later-

I gasped as I saw an area burned down, some places had small fires.

I walked around, holding onto (h/n)'s reins. I looked up and saw a tree. On one side all the branches were hanging off, broken, and/or gone. The other half, the branches and leaves were still there.

I looked down at the bottom of the tree and saw a figure laying there.

I ran over and threw the branches off of the person. I looked down and almost screamed.


Woops... never mind...

Dark laid there, cuts, bruises, and burns all over his body, his eyes barely open, and his breathing shallow.

I shook him and his head rolled to the side. I gasped as I pounded into his chest.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I screamed.

Dark groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"What happened?"

"Nothing of importance. But I'm here now, that's all that matters... Oh goddesses, I'm so glad your alive. I've missed you so much." I whispered as I held Darks limp body close to my chest.

"You-You missed me?" Dark croaked out as I fumbled through my bag, looking for a potion.

"AHA!" I yelled as I held a red potion in my hands. "... Oh and yes. I haven't been able to sleep or eat without you in my sight... Drink this." I said as I handed him the potion.

He drank it weakly as I held it to his lips.

Immediately his cuts, bruises, and burns started to heal and disappear slowly.

"What happened to you?" I asked, when Dark was strong enough to be moved to against a tree.

"When BEN threw the fire ball at me, I quickly disappeared somewhere. But I ended up in the air, and fell down that..." Dark said pointing above him, which showed the tree that had half of its side broken.

"Whoa ... At least your okay now. Let's get you to your castle. It's not far from here." I said helping him up on (h/n), since he was still a bit weak.

I got on behind him and reached for the reins and flicked them lightly. (H/n) walked the rest of the way to Darks castle.

I fed him along the way, and gave him a couple more potions.

When we got there Dark was fully healed. I got off of (h/n) first, then Dark.

"Thanks for helping me." Dark said awkwardly.

"No problem."

"No I mean. Thank you." Dark said kissing me.

I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt Dark smirk into the kiss as he pulled away.

"Your good." Dark said.

"Oh shut up." I muttered, kissing him again.

-3 years later-

"Where are you~?!" Dark sang as he walked passed (s/n)'s and my hiding spot.

(S/n) giggled and I quickly shushed him as I saw Darks ear twitch. He turned around, and I sank deeper into the closet we were hiding in.

"GOTCHA!" Dark yelled as he grabbed (s/n) and I.

"AHH!" I screamed as I tried to wiggle away from his grip. I let go of (s/n) and yelled, "Run!"

He giggled and started slapping Darks leg.

"That's how it is huh?" Dark said. (S/n) nodded and kicked him. "Well... come save your Queen!" Dark yelled, as he swung me over his shoulder and started running off.

Our 2 year old son screamed and started running offer us. I looked up and saw his (h/c) hair flying behind him, and his red crimson eyes burning with courage.

He got his hair from me and his deep red eyes from his father, Dark.

"Save me!" I screamed as Dark set me down on the ground.

"Mama!" (S/n) yelled as he ran at me but was stopped by Dark. "Go away Dada!"

Dark gasped and set him down and started fake crying.

"What?" He whispered, holding back a laugh.

"I save Queen!" (S/n) said hugging me.

"Haha. Now go save the King!" I said pointing to Dark. (S/n) nodded and hopped on Darks leg. Dark lifted him up and (s/n) kissed his cheek.

I laughed as Dark wiped the saliva away from his cheek, when (s/n) stopped kissing him.

"I love you." I said.

"Love you more my Queen." Dark said kissing me.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Dark and (s/n).

"My King and Prince." I whispered as I laid my head on Darks chest.

Hey guys! This was so long! I feel bad Links wasn't as long, but it was sweeter, in my opinion, but ah well. This was Darks ending!

Dark: No der Sherlock!

Me: shut up and go play with (y/n) and (s/n)!

Dark; *grumbles and walks away*

Okay! So this was the end! With a happy ending! Hope you guys liked it!

You guys are amazing and I'm so thankful for those who stuck with this book and voting.

And a very special thanks to IllusionDragon !!! She is amazing and supported me through this book! She has a gift for writing! So go read her books, like now! Their that good! If you don't... how do you live with yourself?!... Kidding. But seriously go read her books. Their amazing.

Anyways that's it. Thanks so much! I might do another link X Reader X Dark Link book.... but I need more ideas. I'll let you know though. So for now... BYE!


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