(14) I'm Done

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Darks POV

I can't believe I'm still here!!! I need to move... to kill. Especially Night, he can't take (y/n).

And I can't pretend to be nice any longer, it's killing me!!!...

"I'm done..." I say loud enough to let Link hear.

"Done?!... With what?!... Her!!! Your giving up on her?!..." Link yells.

"Her?! No!!! I'm done with you, and being someone who I'm not!!!"

"It was your choice!!!"

"Well I'm-"

"SHUT UP!!! YOUR GIVING ME A HEAD ACHE!!!" Night screams as he comes to our cells. "I don't know why (y/n) hates me so much, I'm doing her a favor..." Night says as he rubs his ears. "...Guards!!! Take one of them to another cell... I need to spend time with my princess..." Night smirks.

"She will NEVER love you!!!" I scream.

"Then I'll have to use force..."

"You can't!!! She will never let anything get in her way!" Link screams.

"Unless it's for the ones she loves..." Night says laughing. He walks away as link and I scream at him.

A guard walks into my cell and unlocks my chains. My chains fall to my side and I rub my throbbing wrist. I smirk and grab the chains and wrap it around the guards neck. I yank on them and he tries to grab at the chains. I laugh and push him against the wall and raise him a couple inches off the ground.

"P-plea..." The guard goes limp and I let him fall to the ground.

I grab the sword out of his hilt and walk out of the cell. I see two guards running at me and I go into the shadows and disappear. I reappear behind them and stab one guard in the back. He screams and falls.

The guards were always easy to kill, they just took the job of being Ganan's guards so they won't be killed by him.

The next guard turned around and tried to swing at me. I ducked and stabbed my sword into his chest.

"Where is she?!" I whispered harshly in his ear.


"Don't play dumb!!! (Y/n)!!! Where is she?!" I screamed as I dragged my sword higher up his chest and closer to his heart. He screamed in pain.

"A-at the t-top of the c-castle. B-but you won't f-find her t-there..."

"Where will I find her then!" I shoved the sword upwards quickly and the man screamed and lurched himself against the wall.

"T-the throne r-room! H-he's g-going to t-take the T-Triforce from h-er."

"Weak. pathetic. your just an insult to Hyrule." I said coldly as I sliced the sword into his chest and hitting his heart.

The guard screamed but then fell to the floor. I smirked and walked to the exit.

"Wait!!! Let me out!!!" Link screamed. I chuckled darkly and walked to his cell.

"Now, why would I do that?"

"You could need some help!!"

"You'll just get in the way... I want to see you cry when (y/n) chooses me, not you." I smirked and walked out of the dungeon and away from Links yells.

~your pov~

Night walked into my room and I sighed.

"What's the matter princess~?" Night cooed.

"Your here..."

"Oh come on. You love me~... I'm the only one that keeps you company and safe..."

"Safe?! From you?!... Your doing a horrible job at that..."

"No~... Ganandorf. He wants to kill you for the Triforces, but I convinced him to just take it away by force. I think I should get a thank you~"

"Oh wow. Thanks. Your my hero..."

"welcome. I'm so flattered."

"Ugh. When can I leave?" I say looking at Night as he comes towards me.

"Your so beautiful. So clueless... Why can't you be mine?..." Night whispers in my ear, completely ignoring me.

"Answer me!" I say harshly. I could feel Night's breath on my neck as he chuckles. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Why don't you answer me first?... Then I'll get to you." Night says as he nibbles on my ear. I shiver at his touch.

"W-well... U-um... you are holding me captive a-and..."

"And what?... Say something good about me..."

"Really?.... W-well y-you keep me company... and I guess you did save me from being killed..."

"Ha!!! That's one more than the last one!!! You do like me~!"

"Pft. In your dreams little boy..."

"Little boy? I'm not a kid!" Night screams as he fake cries.

"Wow~ now answer me kiddo."


"We made a deal!!!"

"Fine. You can leave when you give the Triforces to Ganandorf... Even after that I don't think I'll let you leave~" Night purrs.

"Let me go!!! I'm NEVER going to give the Triforces to Ganan."

"I don't think I can do that~" Night says as he leans in. I push him away and he just smirks. "You know you want it~"

"For the love of the goddess, no."

"Oh come on." Night whispers as he grabs me and smashes his lips into mine. Night drags me out of the room, while I try to break free from his iron grip.

He finally lets go when we get to the throne room.

"Let's gets started..." Ganan says evilly.

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