(18) Hiding Place

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Your pov

I opened my eyes to have something nuzzling my head. I looked up and saw (h/n) trying to reach the hay that was under me. I smiled and cut a piece with an axe and handed it to her, doing the same for Epona and Gladiator.

I sighed and walked out of the barn and ran into the forest. Not stopping till I got to my destination.

I smiled as I saw a big rock with vines growing around it. I walked up to it and found the whole in the rock and pushed the vines away. Where I was met with darkness. I trudged through the opening of the rock till I was met by a spring with beautiful trees and plants plastered in random places.

I smiled as I took a seat by the lake, having my back lean against a tree.

I don't think anyone else knows this place. The rock used to be a whole rock till I accidentally blasted it with a bomb, then I found this place.

I wanted to show Link, but he was already on his way to become the hero of time.

I sighed leaning my head against the tree and closing my eyes, listening to the little waves of the lake.

Links Pov

"Where is she?" I whispered to myself, as I was roaming around Kokiri village.

I groaned as I checked the last house. Nothing...

I've checked every place that I could think of, where she will be at. And maybe, like every house in Kokiri Village.

The castle, which was stupid to look in the first place, the barn, which the horses were already somehow fed, and the houses. The only thing I didn't check was the forest. But that's a huge place to hide. Where will I start looking?

Wait, there is one person, who has been near her, since I was gone. A person that is one of the most idiotic, war raging shadow, and stalker person ever.

"Dark! Where in Hyrule are you?!" I screamed as I ran into the castle. Dark poked his head out from the corner.

"What?!" He snapped.

"I need your help."

"Not interested." He said walking away.

"It's about (y/n)." I said.

"Now I'm interested." Dark said spinning on the heel of his boot. "Just to be clear, she's mine, so no touchy touchy."

"She's not yours, she's the Princes, the one that she's getting married to." I said in disgust.

"I'll get her even if it means killing the little prince. And just to let it flow out, I'm the Prince of Darkness."

"Whatever, she will never marry you. Darkness and Light remember."

"Yes, but do you remember that she got the Triforce of Darkness. So now she has both..."

"Oh goddesses, fine okay. But let's get to the point. Do you have an idea of where she might be?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you've stalked her 24/7 since I was gone. Where is she?"

"I don't know." Dark said casually and walking away.

"No you do know. I know that face, its me when I'm not telling the truth." I muttered.

"Ugh, fine. But you promise not to tell any one?"

"Ya... why?"

"Because it's a secret. But I guess she wanted to show you, but you were already on your little mission to become Mr. Hero of Time." He said rolling his eyes.

"Okay. Show me."

"Let's go. It's in the forest." He said grabbing his sword and running out the door. I grabbed mine and followed.

"Dark, I've never been in this part of the forest before. Well not much anyways." I said as we walked around with an area with lots of boulders and trees. "Why would she be here?"

"Ugh, shut up and find a rock that has a hole in it, like its been blown up or something." Dark said checking the big boulders. "It has to be here somewhere..."

I looked at Dark, confused. "O-okay?..." I said poking boulders.

"...Hmm... aha! Gotch Ya!!!" Dark yelled.

"Got what- whoa." I said as Dark pulled vines away from a big Boulder that was set against a cliff.

"Let's go. She could be in here." Dark said walking in.

"How did she find this place?"

"Ask her yourself." Dark said in a bored tone.

When we got to a clearing there were lots of trees with vines on them. We saw a lake with a girl leaning against a tree.

"(Y/n)!!!" Dark and I screamed. (Y/n) jolted up, eyes full with alert. We jumped on top of her, which made her roll into the lake.

"AH! COLD! COLD! COLD!!!" She screamed as she ran out of the lake. Dark and I through a fit of laughter as she glared at us. "What are you guys doing here?... How did you even find me?" She asked ringing her soaked (h/c) hair.

"Dark. Remember he stalked you for the past like 7 years." I chuckled as Dark punched me in the arm.

"Dude shut up!" Dark hissed. (Y/n) giggled and sat down next to us. We got up and piled on top of her. She laughed and we didn't realize that she was leading us to the lake. She kicked us off of her and we landed in the lake.

"HOLY! COLD! COLD! COLD!" Dark and I screamed. (Y/n) giggled and jumped back into the lake.

We swam for a bit but she stopped after a while.

"Well, we better go. I got to meet my future husband." (Y/n) said rolling her eyes and walking away. I heard Dark growl and he ran up to catch up with her.

I jumped out of the lake and walked with (y/n) and Dark.

"It's okay (y/n)." I said looking at her, but she just nodded and ran off to the castle.

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