Scarlett // six

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A week had passed since Scarlett least heard of The Prince. Any news she received from her handmaids were short and simple, listing times they had seen The Prince with other women, gushing over the extravagant gifts he had been giving the women participating in her courting. GiaNina of the Lost Isles received a diamond bracelet, Michelle Of Torren received a snow white stallion, Elaine of Valore received an entire candlelit dinner, complete with life sized ice statues and Ame's finest band playing live for just the two of them. Scarlett couldn't stand to hear what the other gifts were. The thought of The Prince seated at a table surrounded by beauty, holding Elaine's hand as they had dinner made Scarlett green with envy.

The juiciest news of all were the eliminations, which were coming at an uncomfortably rapid pace. Out of all eighteen girls, only seven remained. One was rumored to have gotten into an argument with the Prince right at the dining table, but her maids, who's names Scarlett did not care to remember, couldn't quite tell her what the cause of the argument was.

Gossip among the castle spread like wildfire. She was certain everyone knew she had been locked away in her room like a prisoner. She had been forbidden to leave the room on her second day of suspension, two guards posted outside her door at all times to ensure her captivity.

The longer the days stretched, the less hope Scarlett held on to. She had mistakenly assumed her not being sent home meant The Prince still liked her, but without any word for so long, Scarlett knew the Prince had truly given up on her. She had no choice but to listen to the romantic stories of the Prince treating the other girls, wishing that she too had someone to dote over her. To make her feel important, as if she were the only one in the world.

This late into the game there was no way she would win The Prince's hand. All the other girls had seen The Prince a hundred times over, as it was no secret she enjoyed the affection from each and every one of them. Scarlett wondered if The Prince even remembered her existence at all, or if she, like everyone else, had forgotten her already. Her desire for the crown seemed to had been weakening as the hours passed, leaving Scarlett desiring nothing else but companionship.

She sat perched up on her bed, humming a soft tune as she absentmindedly painted her nails a spectacular shade of lavender. Had she been allowed outside of her room, Her nails would have matched her evening gown perfectly. Scarlett could not find it within her to regret the decisions she'd made throughout her early days in the castle. She had said everything exactly how she meant it, and it simply wasn't her fault The Prince had such a fragile ego.

Two knocks at her door caused her to nearly drop her polish brush, her heart starting it's anxious beating as the door swung open..

To her disappointment, it was the last person she'd wanted to see. Elaine stood there in a gorgeous floor length midnight blue gown, adorned with a waistline made of what could only be genuine crystals. From so far away Scarlett could not tell if they were diamond or true crystal glass, but the grown atop her head could not be mistaken for a child's toy even by the dumbest of folk. It was all to familiar.

Scarlett would know, she had seen it on The Prince's head many times before. 

"I knew my Prince still had you here." Elaine slowly walked forward, her head held high as she peered down her nose at Scarlett "You see, My Prince told me her plans on delivering you to your Fiancé later this week. I thought I would come tell you personally, since My Prince can no longer stand the thought of you taking up space in our castle. Aren't you most grateful! I bet the Duke is a wonderful man."

Scarlett said nothing. She no longer had the energy to argue or fight. Her mind was racing, formulating plans for her escape. If The Prince were truly going to send her off to be married, she would not be here when the carriage arrives for her. She would rather perish a runaway than live a bride to a man who bought her as if she were a racehorse.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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