Grey // One

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Billie walked through the automatic doors of the Home Depot on a mission. She wasn't there to buy a door, or screws, or whatever other fix-it stuff they sell here. Billie was intrested in the plant section and the plant section only. She had been looking forward to this day for weeks.

Today, she was going to buy two new cacti. Not one, two. She was practically grinning with excitement.

Billie adored cacti. They were simple and easy to take care of and really, really pretty. She got on her knees so she could get a better look at each cactus, taking her time to make a proper decision. There were so many, and she felt a little sad that she couldn't just take all of them.

"Hello. May I help you with anything?" a worker said from above her, making her jump. She lifted her eyes to the worker and then nearly flinched again.

It was her. The same girl that walked into her mothers flower shop back in March. Billie hadn't forgotten about her at all. Her eyes, her lips, the way she smelled faintly of gasoline. There she was, standing in front of her with a toothpick dangling from her cherry red lips, grey eyes narrowed. She had on a bright orange collared shirt with the stores logo on it, but Billie didn't think she could get any more beautiful.

Billie chewed on her lip and then blurted the first coherent thought she could think of: "I remember you."

"Uh, pardon?" The girl asked, her eyes flicking away from the other girl's because of sudden her announcement was. She desperately searched her mind for any remembrance of who this girl could be, but nothing came up.

"Roses. You came to my mom's flower shop and asked for roses."

"Oh! Yeah." she laughed nervously, trying to get away from the conversation "Lovely shop. Very neat. So, I assume you're fine then?"

"No." Billie stood up, gaining confidence. She had wondered about this girl for way too long to just let her slip away again. "What's your name?"

The employee stepped backwards, officially finished with this conversation. "It's Grey, alright?" her accent got a bit thicker with her annoyance "I'll be going, seeing as you do not actually need any assistance. Have a nice day."

And with that, she strolled away, leaving Billie with the biggest smile on her face.

She went back to the task at hand, picking up two cacti and making her way to checkout. she held them both in her hands as she walked out, her pockets making jingling noises as the coins inside hit each other. She was beyond satisfied.

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