Scarlett / Cinq

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"Ah, you look lovely." Billie smiled, holding her hand out to the brunette girl in front of her. Princess Elaine of Valor was beautiful in a way the prince had never seen before. Almond shaped eyes and cotton candy pink lips. Her breath was nearly taken away at the sight of her.

"Why thank you, I must say the same for you. Green suits you quite well." She bowed politely, making the prince smile. Billie laced their fingers together as they walked into the gardens, making shy small talk as if they were young children out exploring love for the very first time.

"You're too charming for your own good." Elaine laughed softly after being complemented by the prince for the hundredth time "Where is all this coming from?"

"You were promised to me at birth." She whispered softly, pulling her into her chest and kissing her below the ear "With the way you look, I don't mind that fate at all."

"I wouldn't mind it much either." She allowed the prince to feather small kisses around her face and neck, enjoying every second of it before she brought their lips together in a soft kiss.

The Prince pulled away slowly, trying to disguise her disgust not for Elaine but for herself. As soon as their lips made contact she found herself wondering about Scarlett. She couldn't kiss one while thinking of the other. It wasn't fair.

"Everything alright?" Elaine chuckled nervously "I won't tell the others you've already kissed me, I promise-"

"Shh, belle. It's hard to romance when I've got so much to do. Ruins the mood" She deflects, throwing her a lopsided smile for reassurance.

"I heard you arguing with the red head last night. She is just vile! I believe you made the right choice to send her home."

Taken aback, the Prince shot Elaine a look. "And why is that?"

"Well, You do know of her family. Her father cannot stand the sight of her, she's a-" Elane frowned, lowering her tone "bastard child. She's supposed to be marrying some man from overseas, and she's threatened to run away. No clue why she signed up here if her only intent was to be so rude!

Enough about her, Can I have another kiss?" Elaine whined, closing the distance between them "I've missed you these last few hours."

"You as well. I'll have someone send for you later tonight, I should get back to work." She dismissed Elaine and swiftly planted another kiss to her temple.

"Sending me away already, my prince?" Elaine's now cherry red lips formed into the smallest of pouts. "I've missed you so. Please, allow me another hour under your gaze. It is always so long until you return to me."

"After all you've told me about the red-haired woman, I am now reconsidering sending her home." The Prince clasped her hands behind her back, gazing lazily at the acres of exotic flowers her ancestors had brought in so many centuries ago. "Tell me, beauté, what else have you heard of her?"

The princess' face turned sour instantly. She could not stand the idea of having to wait in line to be 'courted' like the other common girls in the castle. For Elaine had no doubts in her mind that the Prince was already her King, and she her Queen. Having had her hand in marriage offered to the Prince at only five years old, there were no other options for the younger girl. She was growing increasingly frustrated with each day she had to wait in line. 

"I have no other gossip to give out, my Prince. She is simply vile. Her Country is known for its Military, it seems the spirit of war has settled into her soul as well."

"If that is all you will tell me, I believe we are finished here. I did not lie to you about work needing to be done. The longer we stand here the longer I am away from my duties" The Prince turned to face Elaine, her blue eyes narrowed authoritatively as she held out her arm "I will escort you to your quarters. Come with me."

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