Grey // Two

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Billie sat at her desk, watching a chicken nugget ASMR while toweling her fork in a bowl of ramen

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Billie sat at her desk, watching a chicken nugget ASMR while toweling her fork in a bowl of ramen. She loved watching other people eat, but couldn't truly enjoy it unless she was eating something, too. She lifted a bit of noodles up out of the broth absentmindedly as the guy dipped a nugget in the cheese sauce before scarfing it down.

Ramen wasn't cutting it anymore. She wanted chicken nuggets, and she wanted them bad. She closed her eyes and took another bite of ramen. I'm vegan now, she thought to herself, Can't have any of that.

She swallowed the soggy noodles and winced, pushing the now cold bowl away from her and standing up. She needed food. She bent down again to scroll through the videos and see if anything caught her interest. She clicked on a video of spring rolls and knew immediately that was what she wanted.

Already dressed from her morning walk, she jogged downstairs and out of her building, on a mission. She was determined to get her hands on several spring rolls so she could resume her afternoon plans, when a loud voice broke her concentration and caused her to jump nearly three feet in the air.

"Hey, pinkie pie! Grey's got a crush on you!"

Billie turned slowly, only to see Grey and another guy sitting on skateboards. Grey had a blunt held lazily in her fingers, and she took a long pull from it as soon as their eyes met. She let a bit of it out from between her lips before sucking it back in for a moment and then releasing the stream of smoke. Billie wasn't necessarily territorial, but what the hell was she doing on her block?

"I've got a crush on shit, mate" Grey rolled her eyes. "Y'can continue on. Nothing to see here."

Billie chewed on her lip before walking closer to the two. The guy laughed and watched Billie's every move as she walked closer and closer. A sharp look from Grey was enough to get the guy to move away from her.

"You've got something to say?" Grey said quietly once Billie was sat next to her. It was barley loud enough for Grey to hear herself. She didn't know how she looked, whispering to a girl she couldn't stand, but she just wanted her to go somewhere else. Rusty wouldn't let her hear the end of it later, and Billie was an idiot for coming over to her. As if Grey wanted to talk to her. She'd rather scrub toilets.

"I was thinking I'd never see you again" Billie mumbled shyly, avoiding eye contact, instead watching a single ant crawl across the pavement.

"I work in Home Depot, love." Grey chuckled bitterly "Dad runs a bike shop. Wouldn't be too hard to find me."

"Well.." Billie trailed off, a small smile on her lips "I kinda hate me, so I just-"

"You're annoying." Grey interjects flatly "And you seem to follow me everywhere I go. You've also got pink hair, which is pretty babyish of you. And you've got Vans. Do you even skate?"

Billie's small smile quickly changed into a frown. "Is the hair really that bad? I thought it was cute.." she brought a hand up to her hair and pulled on a stand, suddenly feeling insecure.

" she brought a hand up to her hair and pulled on a stand, suddenly feeling insecure

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"No" Grey blurted before she could help herself "I'm just messing with you. Meant everything else though" she cleared her throat and brought the blunt back to her lips to prevent her from having to say anything else. Billie nodded and brought her hand back down to her side. An awkward silence fell over them both.

" you wanna maybe come over and have a smoothie with me? not today, but like sometime? Soon? Maybe?" She stumbled over her words, anxious. Really? Smoothies?

Grey took her time answering, ashing out her blunt and taking a long drink from her water bottle before popping a stick of gum into her mouth. "No"

"Please?" Billie looked up at Grey for the first time since she sat down, sucking in a deep breath. She got a chance to notice everything about her. From the smoky gray of her eyes all the way down to the small group of freckles by her left eye. Grey licked her lips, a nervous habit she couldn't seem to get rid of, and Billie noticed the small flash of silver. A piercing at the end of her tongue.

"I don't want to" Grey whispered, looking directly into Billie's eyes "I'd rather serve jail time" a small cocky smile formed on her pink lips, and Billie blushed. God, Grey was hot.

"Just once." Billie persisted "If not, I'll show up at your job for help."

"Oh wow! Force me to do my job. How scary." Grey rolled her eyes and looked up into the sky "When and where? If you don't answer the door on the first knock I'm leaving."

Billie grinned, and Grey yawned. After final goodbyes and another rude comment from stranger-guy, she went off to get herself some spring rolls.

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