Scarlett // deux

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"Welcome to my home" The Prince spoke from the very top of the stairs an hour after each girl had completed their physical exams. As soon as her voice was heard, each girl turned their head.

Her accent was rich, thick. Dressed completely in her kingdoms white and gold colors, she looked so beautiful, so strong. Scarlett could feel her adrenaline rising. Her King.

"You all look lovely." She let out a small chuckle "I'm glad to see I made no mistake in who I chose, yes?" The girls around her nodded "I will have you all called into the room upstairs with me. We can chat, as I wish to connect with each in every one of you. Please remain here until you are called. I'll see you in a little bit." She flashed another smile and bowed a little, turning and walking back up the stairs. We all watched her leave, her hair the shade of freshly burnt ashes.

Gray was typically a hair color suited for older women, but the Prince pulled it off effortlessly, making it look cool and trendy. Scarlett remembered when Prince Eilish first appeared in public with her new hair color. The older women in town stopped buying root touch ups at once, and the younger ones begged their parents for a box of hair dye to match.

Scarlett watched as the first girl was called up. Then the second, and third, and fourth. None of them ever came back down, so the banquet hall felt more and more lonely as the time passed. But alas, she was finally called up, and she couldn't help but smile once more.

"Hello, Scarlett." The Prince leaned back into the couch she was seated on, lifting her ankle to rest on her thigh. "Please, have a seat"

And so she did what she was told, crossing her feet at the ankles, just as mother taught her as a young princess. Prince Eilish looked her over once, and then leaned over.

"Forgive me, but I am not one for formalities." She began, her blue eyes seeming to burn holes into Scarlett's. "Tell me, why should I let you through the doors over there? Why are you worthy of my time and energy?"

"I beg your pardon?" Scarlett asked, taken aback by the rough tone in the Prince's voice. She had never heard her speak in such a way. It was threatening.

"You may." The Prince said seriously "I believe this room to be awfully quiet, and I hadn't stuttered not once. Speak with intelligence or leave my estate this instant."

Scarlett recovered from shock quickly, not breaking eye contact with the Prince as she spoke. "I am beautiful."

"You must be dull." She spoke "I am not looking for-"

"And I would rule wonderfully as Queen."

The Prince's words died in her throat, parted lips quickly turning into a wicked, wicked smile. "Ah, plotting for the crown already?"

"Aren't we all?" Scarlett uncrossed her legs, folding her hands into her lap instead "I am here to rule by your side, and perhaps win your heart along the way. I will not lie to you about my intentions."

"What do you gain?" She raised an eyebrow "There is a catch, I can see it in your eyes."

"I want a crown, being the youngest of five, I have no choice but to marry my way in. You are leading the most powerful kingdom in history. I believe you can figure it out from there, yes?"

"And I should give it to you, why?"

"I hope you keep me here long enough to find out for yourself." Scarlett spoke confidently, her mind doing a happy dance once the Prince grinned and leaned back into the couch, satisfied.

"You may go into the ballroom behind me. Au revoir."

And so Scarlett rose from her seat, fluffed out her dress, and made her way to the ballroom.

Scarlett paid no mind to the beautiful chandeliers or lovely curtains. She focused on her conversation with the Prince, over and over in her mind as if it were a movie she had on replay. Her head only snapped up when a well fed man began calling names out.

She began to panic when hers wasn't called.

She was then escorted to another large part of the castle, perhaps an entertainment room, and handed off to two ladies in blue.

"I'm Lisa, and This is Mya, and we're going to be your maids while you're staying."

"Wonderful" Scarlett said dryly "The other girls, have they been sent home?"

"Yes, unfortunately. The poor things. How could they have messed a conversation up so badly to be sent home so soon?"  The one called Mya shook her head.

Scarlett made simple conversation with the woman beside her as she was escorted into her room, unlaced from her corset, and left to bathe and ponder her day thus far.

"Any commoners?" She asked curiously

"Oh, the poor women are awfully sweet, but they get us in deep trouble." Mya replied to Scarlett's question, sighing softly.

"Ah, do they try to make their own beds and do their own laundry?" Scarlett shook her head. "Oh dear, for I am none but a simple farm girl, birthed in dirt and eating nothing but a half of egg with my seven siblings in my small broken shed. Oh, I don't even love the Prince, I am here so my family gets fed." She mocked, a sly smile taking place on her lips.

"Oh be nice!" Mya laughed wickedly, enjoying the gossip "Serena is like this. Word spreads quickly among maids. I was told she went on about having to be up in the morning to do chores, and she considers seven to be sleeping in!"

"Quite a shame." Scarlett ran a brush through her hair, eyeing herself in the mirror "Those farm girls live in a fantasy world. They won't make it far here. The Prince makes sure her people want for nothing. She spoils them rotten. How ever will she handle such a humble farm girl?"

"I don't believe I could, Mrs. Scarlett." The Prince spoke from the doorframe, a beautiful smile on her cherry red lips. "You've got quite the mouth on you, better watch how you speak of my potential wife."

"Ever heard of a knock?" She scoffed, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Ah, but you are in my home." She nodded, but knocked twice on the closed door anyways. "I have already sent Serena home. She slipped my mind when telling Ward whom to release. I don't like farm women, they want for too much."

"Luckily I am no peasant" Scarlett grinned "Alaska is no place for such nonsense, don't you agree?"

"Princess Scarlett Of Alaska, how foolish of me to not have known. It has been a while since I met your father, is he well?"

"Very, thank you." Scarlett curtsied "May I ask why you've barged into my quarters while I'm in the middle of changing?"

"I came simply because I felt like it." She looked across the room at each woman, making eye contact. "I also am quite the sucker for womanly gossip. Please, ladies, tell me more what you think of the women here?"

"Oh, nothing your highness" Mya shook her head and bent down, pretending to sew a non-existent hole in Scarlett's evening wear.

"I'd like to speak with you more on your thoughts of commoners. Do tell, what do they want for?" Scarlett dared to ask, keeping her head up.

"Money." She sighed, clasping her hands behind her back and walking further into the room "You see, I spoke deeply with every woman in the room, besides you, of course, but that was because you were honest with me. They, however, were not. The disinterest they had in me was none other but insulting. If you do not want me, then I do not want you. Does that make sense, Scarlett? I do not want a poor woman, because she will be easily bought. I buy them a diamond and they nearly faint, so exited by a simple luxury.

I want a woman who is used to luxury, and would faint at the sight of a candle lit dinner underneath the stars. Who is unimpressed with money and excited by free acts of love. That is all I can stand to say in one breath. I'll be taking my leave now, Au revoir, Scarlett." She turned and made her exit quickly, leaving Scarlett with a devilish smile on her face.

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