Scarlett // Quatre

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The Prince returned three days later, taking her seat at the table's head without a word, not addressing the curious eyes of the princesses that sat before her. Her mind was fully occupied, and she had no patience for idle flirting at the moment. She needed to show her face quickly, as to not upset the girls, but return to her room as soon as she could. Her soldiers has been sent out and she had yet to receive word other than an unsealed letter from her general, stating victory. She needed more detail. Who died? What is the state of her newly acquired land? How are the people doing? Too many questions were going unanswered, and it was driving the Prince to madness.

"Word spreads around quickly, Prince Eilish" the red haired woman spoke beside her, her lips curved into a smirk. She waited for a response, avoiding all eye contact as Scarlett's eyes followed the Prince's every movement.  "If you're going to invite us here to steal our land, you shouldn't do it so loudly."

"Has anyone ever taught you to mind your own?" The prince scoffed, extra irritable as of late. "I believe a princess has no right to be in a King's business."

"Don't get so cocky with me, sir Eilish. Last time I checked, Ame doesn't have a king, and never will unless the crowned prince decides to marry." 

"I have no intention on stealing any more land from you lot." She shook her head in disgust. "You have no right to ask me of these things right now. How did you find out so quickly?"

"You've been gone for three days and we have access to the newspaper. My, my, prince, are you dull?"

"If you want my hand in marriage, you have to stop insulting me. It's irritating and makes me want to have you beheaded." the prince shook her head, a frown on her lips due to her growing frustration. "You are the only one who'd dare to speak to me this way. How were you raised?"

"Oh, that is quite a long story. Exactly six thousand, one hundred and seventy eight pages worth." She let out a long, exaggerated sigh "How about taking me out for a walk in the gardens? I hear it's great storytelling scenery"

"Oh, you are just wonderful." The prince spoke sarcastically "Unfortunately, you don't seem to understand the concept of a rhetorical question. I'm most certainly too busy to sit and chit-chat with you by the rose bushes." 

"Have it your way then" Scarlett placed her fork down, no longer interested in the food she had been eating "You clearly did want to sit and 'chit-chat', if not you wouldn't have picked me. Do not brush me aside as if I mean nothing to you."

"We've only spoken three times."

"Regardless, I demand your respect." she lifted her chin, both of their blue eyes burning into each other. 

"You are such a pain in the ass" she cursed, running a hand through her silver hair. "Do you not understand what I have to do as the only ruler in Ame?"

"I do not understand, but I do see you need guidance. Your recent expansion was a mistake. It was reckless, impulsive, and poorly thought out. Tell me, how will you court for a wife if you have your mind on the battlefield? You now have an entirely new group of people to attend to. They will demand your attention constantly, and they will want their daughters to be courted equally as well. You have not only brushed your current duties aside, but now have added on too many. You will not find a wife this way. As long as you are unmarried, you are vulnerable. This could have waited unti-"

The prince raised a finger, her eyes aimed down at her nearly empty plate but not truly processing the view. Princess Scarlett had flipped her perspective entirely, and she needed a moment to regroup in private.

They did not speak for the rest of dinner.


Three knocks on Scarlett's door at exactly eight thirty pm. Just as she expected.

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