Grey // Three

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Billie couldn't help but sip her smoothie as she waited for Grey to arrive

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Billie couldn't help but sip her smoothie as she waited for Grey to arrive. Banana, vanilla, cinnamon, and a bit of coconut for a good aftertaste. It was her specialty, and as soon as the doorbell rang, Billie rushed to the door with Grey's smoothie in hand.

"It smells nice in here" Grey said casually, walking in as if she owned the place and making herself comfortable on the couch. She stirred her smoothie with the metal straw she was given and looked up at Billie sternly. "What's in it?"

Billie grinned and flopped down next to her crush "Banana, coconut, vanilla, and cinnamon"

Grey nodded and put the smoothie down on the table, turning to Billie. "Cool. I'll have some in a minute. Now, why'd you invite me over?"

"Uhm... because I wanted to brag about how good my smoothies are?"  She blushed "Drink some! It's good, I swear."

"Whatever." Grey lifted the glass and took a slow sip of the smoothie. She looked sort of impressed. "Not bad"

"Of course it is." Billie chuckled slightly, not knowing what to say. Grey  took out her phone and proceeded to scroll through her Instagram.

Billie timidly sat down next to Grey, admiring the girl's side profile. Smooth skin dipped in a cherry red powder, diluted strawberry milk. God, was this girl beautiful. Billie wanted nothing more than to smooth Grey's hair back and get to know her. What was her favorite color? Where did she come from?

As soon as the thought went through Billie's mind, Grey eyes lazily met hers. Billie sucked in a breath, but it felt like the air had been knocked out of her lungs.

Grey noticed. Grey notices everything. The way Billie's cheeks tinted pink and her crystal blue eyes flickered back and fourth from her eyes, to her lips, to her nose. Billie didn't know where to look, and Grey found that sort of cute.

"You okay?" Grey asked, her voice low. God, her voice was so soft. Billie's heart cracked, and Grey's eyebrows furrowed as Billie's eyes became glassy with tears.

"Yeah- I just..I-" Billie blinked "Nervous? Scared?"

Grey put her phone down and settled into the couch, her posture oozing faux nonchalance. Her stuttering heart, hidden behind layers of skin and muscle, was the only signs of genuine concern. Billie couldn't see that though, because Billie had just met this girl, and she was letting her break her fragile heart right open.

"Do you really hate me? Like really really?"

Grey's eyes shut for a millisecond, but to her it felt like an hour. She shrugged, turning her phone back on. And God, dear God, she could've sworn she heart Billie's heart crack.

"You're nice, alright? And I know we keep running into each other, but I'm... I'm just not ready for any of that shit right now."

Billie nodded and smiled. Grey knew the smile all too well, the slight quiver in her lips and the way her eyes refused to meet hers for more than a few seconds. She was hurt, and it hurt Grey to know that she was hurt, but there wasn't much else she could do. 

Grey stood up and thanked her for the smoothie before walking out of the apartment. She couldn't help but notice Billie's bike chained to the rail, and she ran a finger across it's handlebar, disgusted because it was a cruiser, but sad because it was hers.

Billie sat on her couch and kept her eyes closed tight. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Rejection is a part of life, but god it sucked so bad. She didn't know exactly what she was expecting from that girl, anyways. Her name is Grey, her eyes are Grey, and she was bound to be a downer.

She spent the rest of her week at her mother's flower shop, and her evenings alone on her couch, a strawberry sucker in between her teeth and a grey cloud in her mind.

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