Scarlett // un

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Scarlett rose from bed as if god himself pulled her. Her pale blue eyes were almost immediately narrowed in determination as her feet made contact with the cool marble flooring. Today was the day she would meet her future wife. She had no other choice but to be chosen. Failure was not an option.

Her maids immediately noticed the look on the young princess's face, not a single word was to be spoken to her on this day. She had waited months, years, a whole millennia it seems. She was ready to accept the prince's hand in marriage. Ready to accept her new role as Queen.

Prince Eilish was like no Royal before her. Though comfortable with her gender, she preferred to be called prince instead of princess. She explained several times to the public it was because she was more than a mere princess who needed to be saved by a King. For she was the King. She would be our savior.

Scarlett refused to be bathed by her maids today, wanting to be completely alone. Nobody was to stand in her way on this day, not even her own mother, who rushed in with a dress the color of sun kissed skin. The dress had been made weeks ago, but tried on only once. A long and layered number with lace trimming and mesh sleeves, all topped off with an authentic pearl neckline. Scarlett was almost guaranteed to float to the Prince's eye. How could she not?

Her copper hair was left in it's soft but thick ringlets, falling midway down her spine and tickling her shoulders each and every time she moved. It was parted to the side, covering the left side of her face just a little. Her mother called it the Jessica Rabbit.

She was silent the entire carriage ride to the Kingdom Of Âme, the majorly French speaking kingdom known for its extreme wealth and beautiful Royals. She paid no mind the the smoothly paved streets and luxurious shops seeming to line every block, as Scarlett had seen it only a million times before. She had prepared for this day years in advance.

The Prince was now eighteen, and calling for a woman to marry. Many princesses and commoners aged 16 and 17 had sent in their pictures to the castle, hoping the Prince would pick them. She looked through every picture with her own eyes and sort them, yes and no, to be her betrothed.

Scarlett was one of 18 chosen. She wasn't surprised, she knew she would be.

As she stepped foot into the Âme Estate, she smiled. For this would be her home for years to come. It had to be.

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