Scarlett // Trois

437 22 39

This time, Scarlett took in every detail of the dining room.

A long wooden table made of what could only be the finest of it's kind was set in the center of the marble room, a silk white tablecloth set without wrinkle on top. The walls had golden trimming, and something in Scarlett's soul told her the metal was anything but fake. In the spaces the gold failed to fill, there were plenty of  beautifully crafted paintings and thick cream and gold curtains pulled back to reveal the kingdom before them.

She took the seat she was told to, and once again took in the sight before her. As she looked at the three chandeliers hanging above the table, she felt her breath leave her. Mother had warned her not to be shocked by the luxury Âme had to offer, but she was in awe. Alaska was only the fourth wealthiest kingdom in Rome. How was she to not be impressed? Prince Eilish's chandeliers had diamonds hanging from them as if it were the cheapest material on Earth.

The last of the girls took their seats, and maids and butlers began placing platter after platter of food. Soups, meats, vegetables and sandwiches were laid out evenly and expertly. With the ring of a bell, each girl began to fill their plates and bowls with grace. Scarlett was satisfied that she knew each girl there. Prince Eilish was a wise prince, she knew she needed to marry someone with power. A commoner would do no good for the future of Âme.

"Hello ladies," the prince spoke, walking in five minutes late. She took her time getting to her seat, and Scarlett noticed there was a perfectly empty seat on her side of the table. Lucky her, seated directly next to the head. "I hope you are all enjoying your meals."

Scarlett watched as the prince took her seat and began to fill her own plate. Once the Prince took her first bite of food, she allowed herself to fill her own.

"You have excellent table manners, I couldn't help but say something." The prince said, almost breathlessly "Looking around, I had almost lost hope."

"Everyone knows you mustn't touch your plate until the King has had her first bite. It is lesson one at princess school."

"That it is." She watched Scarlett take a spoonful of soup, eyes analyzing every little movement. She was awestruck. Her attention to Scarlett didn't last very long, as was was also interested in what the other girls were doing.

She listed each kingdom in her mind, calculating how much a marriage would do for her. Guilt the weight of a stone settled deep into her heart. All four village girls were sent home on the first day. That was not only a bold move, but a terrible look. She could already hear the rumors. Prince Eilish hates the commonfolk, she is too good for farm girls like us.

But that is not true! She argued with them in her head. It is nothing personal, I must marry rich and strong, to reflect what my Kingdom is. The council would make your life miserable. I need a princess already used to castle life. I wouldn't be able to be happy in our marriage if I know I'm stealing you from a life of freedom.

The evil part of her mind made sure not to go unnoticed.

A peasant wouldn't know how to rule.

Scarlett watched the prince in the corner of her eye. She knew immediately that she was troubled. She decided to take a risk and opened her mouth to speak to her future king, but she was stopped immediately.

"I see you worrying for me. I am fine." She nodded her head politely. "There's this saying, lourde est la tête qui porte la couronne. You must remember that when you look at me while I am lost in thought."

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Scarlett nodded once in understanding, unsure of what else to say. As the prince returned to her thoughts and she to her soup, she wondered if this match was one truly made from the heavens. Was she prepared for the soon to be king to halve her burdens and place them lovingly on her back? Would she stand tall and straight with them, or will her knees buckle and have her fall?

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