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It was three in the morning and you tiptoed into the building carrying your heels in your hand. Being piss drunk, you tried hard to focus on every step you took not wanting to fall and break your face.


"Ahhh fuck" you screamed dropping your heels.

A large figure came out from the shadows and you squinted your eyes to get a better look.

It was none other than the captain himself.

You breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Captain" you stated nodding once. 

He just stared at you, your outfit and the hickey on your neck.

After a few very awkward minutes, you broke the silence.

"Good talk. Bye now" you said walking towards your room.

Standing under the shower, you let the tears fall freely. The look on your mom's face haunting you.

Feeling exhausted from all the drinking and 'fun', you drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning you walked into the kitchen and everyone were already at the table having breakfast.
"You didn't come home yesterday" Tony stated staring at you.
"I did" you replied casually biting into an apple leaning on the kitchen counter.
"Really? What time?" He asked.
"Around midnight" you lied blatantly. You could feel Steve's head shot up and stare at you with an unreadable expression. You ignored it, staring intently at your apple.

"And what's that on your neck?" Tony continued interrogating you.
"It's called a hickey dad" you rolled your eyes replying sarcastically.

"I bet there's more of that under that shirt" Sam chimed in playfully while you gave him a death glare.

"Just be careful y/n. These boys want just one thing...." Tony continued.
"What makes you think I want more?" You raised your eyebrows and Tony gave up lifting his hands at you in a defensive way. Being the youngest in the team, it was normal for everyone to baby you.

Steve's eyes were fixed on you during this entire exchange.


After a while you went back to your room and changed into a workout gear which was just a black sports bra and a high waisted black leggings. You then made your way to the gym. Wanting to try something new, you went for the punching bag. Putting the hand wrap around your palms, you thought of all your pent up frustrations. With everything in you, you started punching it in full force. After a while you were sweating everywhere. As you were stretching your arm trying to get rid of the stiffness and ache, you heard footsteps behind you followed by a voice.

"You gotta hold your shoulders up to avoid pulling on your nerves" captain stated standing closely behind you. You were having difficulty breathing. Lucky for you, it could easily be masked off as just you being exhausted from the workout. He lightly placed his hands on your shoulders making you swiftly turn your head and stare up at him.
The shock on your face apparent.

"May I?" he asked with kindness in his eyes.

After a while you nodded lightly. He placed his hands back on your shoulders and guided you on how to punch. He was standing so close to you with his face beside yours just inches away. You felt like giggling and crying at the same time. After a few tries, you got the hang of it but he didn't move his hand or his body away from you. Wanting to escape your misery, you said "I think I'm done for today". You moved away from him and took a seat at the nearest bench and started unwrapping the hand wrap. Clearing his throat, "You can train with me, if you want" he offered. You just gave him a tight lipped smile and walked off. There was NO way you were going to train with him. But you didn't want to seem rude and reject his offer outright.

Mr America and The Heartbroken PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now