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It had been about 8 hours since they brought you in to the operation theatre.

Steve was sat outside the room, exhausted staring at the bright lights. He was counting the number of tiles in the room for the hundredth time.
Bruce and his assistant walked in and out of the room but gave him nothing.

After a while, Tony, Sam, Nat and Bucky all came and sat with him.

"You need to rest Cap" Tony stated sternly.

Steve kept silent.

"Have you even eaten anything yet?" Sam asked to which he just shook his head.

"We'll get you guys something" Tony and Sam walked off.

"She'll be fine Steve" Nat patted his shoulder.

Bucky cleared his throat hesitating, "Sharon is pretty shaken up too. You should check on her buddy"

Steve let out a short sigh like he just remembered about her.
He stood up swiftly
"I.. I should.." he stuttered.

Nat and Bucky nodded understanding.


"We'll call you" Bucky assured him. .

Nodding in appreciation, he made his way to the elevator.

Standing at her door, he took a deep breath and knocked.

Few minutes passed with no response. Frowning, he went to his room and there she was. Sleeping on his bed.

Not wanting to disturb, he turned to leave and she stirred.

She slowly sat up on the bed.

Steve legs took small steps towards the bed and he plopped beside her.

"I managed to push away the gun aiming her head at the very last minute. I couldn't do much. They were fast" she squeezed his hand.

"It's not your fault" Steve replied sternly pulling her to his chest.

After a few minutes, she dozed off on his chest while he stayed up staring at the ceiling.

~ Soft knock was heard at the door~

"Steve?" Bucky called out.

Steve ran to the door opening it, he stared at Bucky's eyes for something, anything.

Bucky gave a small smile and relief washed over him.

"Come on" he gestured for him to follow.

Arriving downstairs, Bruce was waiting for all of them.

Everyone gathered around waiting patiently.

"She'll be fine" he stated with a smile and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"But ...." He dragged on and everyone's face fell.

"She might not remember things" he spoke carefully.

"What do you mean" Tony asked panicking.

"The blood flow to her cerebellum was disrupted. She might not remember most things from the past"

Everyone listened intently trying to grasp the information.

Steve was mortified and relieved at the same time.

"Lucky for her it was just a split second of disruption. It doesn't have to be permanent. With time, her memory can be brought back"

"When will she wake up?" Nat asked eagerly.

Mr America and The Heartbroken PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now