Grey vs grey

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Vic: All right, I got a joke for ya! What's black and white and red all over? Oh, snap! Wait! Wait! This joke doesn't make any sense until you see the next story! OK, so... I'll just describe it to you then, so you'll get my joke! Um, it's about another group of Reds and Blues, and it's really funny, and um... Man, you know what? I'm just gonna keep working on my material.

Inside a locked room was a group of blues and reds arguing, only problem is their just grey.

Reg: Well, what I'm trying to say is---

Deuce: I don't CARE what you're trying to say! What I'm actually saying is---

Cobb: My red-hearted mama always told me not to trust a dirty Blue and I'm sure not gonna start now!

Hutch: Quiet! We've been here for 3 hours and we haven't been able to compromise on ANYTHING! We're no closer to peace than when we started!

Wynn: Well, Hutch, we'd already have peace if you Reds would just die already, like decent people!

Squatch: Or peacefully surrender!

Deuce: After you're all dead!

Hutch: *sighs* Wynn, take control of your men. Need I remind you we're locked in here and those doors won't open until we reach an agreement. Or we're all dead.

Reg: Whose idea was that anyway?

Hutch: Mine! Deal with it.

Cobb: Well, looks like we gotta get to peacemakin' or we're gonna be in more trouble than a bull moose in Blood Gulch! *spits* Aw, God, why do I keep spittin' in my helmet!?!

Squatch: This is hopeless! What are the odds of us ACTUALLY reaching peace?!

Marlowe: Statistically insignificant, my dear naive Squatch. We're as good as dead.

Deuce: Fine by me! The only good Red is a dead Red!

Squatch: A dead Red with bed head!

Deuce: In a lead shed!

Cobb: He said.

Hutch: Knock it off, boys! Especially you, Cobb. Remember which side you're on here!

Cobb: Sorry, Hutch. Got caught up in the moment. No way am I gonna mistake myself for a two-faced, mud-suckin' Blue!

Wynn: That's it! We're outta here! Deuce, bust open those doors!

Hutch: You're leaving over my dead body--

lights go out*
indistinct chattering followed by a shotgun shot and a body thudding to reveal.... Hutch is dead and more indistinct chattering*

Squatch: Oh, my God, there's a murderer in here! I gotta get outta here!

Squatch tries to leave but reg stops him.

Reg: Don't even bother, Squatch. Those doors aren't opening...

Marlowe: Reg is correct. We're not leaving until we find peace... or we're all dead.

Cobb: Well, it's obvious who shot Hutch! It was Wynn!

Wynn: M-me!?! Why me?!

Reg: You're the leader of the Blues. You benefit the most from his death!

Deuce: Nyah, see? My commander wouldn't hurt a fly! Unless it was a Red! Oh, wait...

Marlowe: I believe it was you who said the only good Red is a dead Red.

Deuce: What!? You're accusing ME now?! YOU'RE the one with those weird shifty eyes!! I mean look at him!

suspenseful stinger music as the camera closes on Marlowe*
Deuce: Nyah, see, he's doing it right now!

Red vs blue (Female OC) season 14Where stories live. Discover now