Head cannon

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Vic: Around the end of their time in Blood Gulch, the Reds and Blues had a run-in with one bad bro-chacho: the A.I. Omega. AKA O'Malley. AKA Lord Satan von Kills-A-Lot. This duderino had a habit of infecting people's brains via helmet radios, making them do all sorts of evil stuff. Yeah, I don't get how it works either, but man! What I wouldn't give to see what he saw inside their heads... If only there were some kind of short story was...

The words "Head Cannon" float into frame.

Vic: Ha-ha-AWW, YEAH!

Fade in to the Reds hunting down Caboose and Shawn in their jeep. Caboose and Shawn are hiding behind a tree.

Simmons: Come out so I can shoot you ya you idiot!

Thea: Guys! We are not shooting them!

Grif: Where did Caboose and Shawn go?

Sarge: I don't see him. Caboose!

Simmons: Come out Caboose, all we wanna do is shoot you!

Thea: We won't!

Shawn: Don't listen to them Caboose.

Caboose: it's a trick!

The Warthog's radio starts picking up the Blues

Tex: (over radio) This is Freelancer Tex broadcasting on an open channel.

Church: (over radio) This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel.

Grif: Why are the Blues on the radio?

Simmons: Who knows? (radio turns on) Hey Blues, shut the hell up, get off our radios and quit running our batteries down!

Thea: Why are they even on the radio?

O'Malley shoots in to Simmons' open radio frequency while laughing. He appears inside Simmons' mind.

O'Malley: Yes, your mind now belongs to me, Tex. With your body, I shall exact my diabolical- Wait a minute...

O'Malley sees a slab, a bookshelf filled with books, and a bust of Simmons.

O'Malley: What is- Are those? No. Nooo! This is not the brain that I meant to infest!

Simmons, Thea and Grif walk in to see O'Malley.

Simmons: Oh, my, a guest. Hello there. (to Grif) We have a guest. Grif, you idiot, fetch his coat, and give him a glass of our finest Irish whiskey. Thea, get him some crackers.

Grif: (Whining) Do I have to? I'm just so lazy and gross, and I'm pretty sure I disrespect you behind my back. I just can't prove it yet.

Simmons: Don't make me repeat myself!

Grif: Fi-ine! (walks out, stops, and whispers) I don't respect you.

Thea: Okay. (Walks away while whispering) I respect you.

Simmons: (sigh) Sorry about that, I'm so happy you here. Welcome to Chez Simon. It's not often I have company.

O'Malley: I'm leaving!

Simmons: What!? But you just got here, you can't leave!

O'Malley: If you attempting to hold me against my will, I shall remove your eyes in your tiny skull, and replace them with ping-pong balls with similar eyes drawn on them!

Sarge walks in

Sarge: This guy causing you trouble, Simmons?

Simmons: (sigh) Stand down, Sarge. Stand down. I'm sure it's just a miscommunication. Nothing to worry about.

Red vs blue (Female OC) season 14Where stories live. Discover now