Chapter 17- Cera and Katrina

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Author's Note: Cera is pronounced like Sarah

P.S. I will probably alternate between calling Katrina three names, Katrina, Kat, and trina. Just letting you know so you didn't think she was three different people.

Chapter 17

    Cera's POV

   Me and Katrina were hiding in the janitor's closet like usual. We both hated gym and hadn't shown up to a single gym class this year. I don't think our coach even knew we were in his class.

    Let me explain. My name is Cera, and Katrina is my girlfriend. We were lesbian and not exactly afraid to show it. Actually, we've both only ever had one girlfriend, but Katrina would grind anything with legs, she just doesn't have feelings for any boys. Besides each other we only had one other friend. A girl named Felicity. She was an outcast to because she had to walk with crutches and had a weird limp.

   Anyways... we were hiding in the janitor's closet when all of a sudden the door flew open. A tall, buff looking man was standing in front of us, wearing all brand-name clothes and big sunglasses that were so shiny you could see your reflection in the black glass lenses. Felicity was standing behind him, cowering.

He scowled at her, "You need to take better care of your half-bloods. Do you know how old they are?"

"Yes, sir."

"They're almost thirteen. If you didn't get them to camp soon the monsters would've started attacking, and I don't want my daughter killed."

"Sorry, sir."

"I hate having to intervene."

Me and Trina stared at each other, confused.

"Half-bloods? Daughter?" I asked

"What camp?" asked Katrina.

   The man stared at us. Then at Felicity,  "They really don't know anything?"

"No, sir."

"Stop with the sir... it's getting annoying."

"Yes, sir."

He sighed, then turned to look at us again.

"There's no time to talk. You two are to powerful... you need to get to camp. Come with me."

"I'm not going anywhere with some random dude I just met today!" exclaimed Katrina.

"Hi. I'm Apollo. I'm your Father."

Katrina just stared at him with wide eyes. The man was tall and white, with blonde hair. We couldn't see his eyes because of the sun-glasses, but he was obviously very handsome, Katrina was... well... not. Don't get me wrong... Katrina's beautiful, but she looked nothing like this man. She's a short Indian girl (about five feet), short, layered, black hair and brown eyes.

"Yah, and I'm the Tooth Fairy. I enjoy stalking little children and sneaking into people's houses."

He laughed, "I'm the god of the sun, archery, medicine, poetry, music, and the oracle of Delphi. And I'm your father."

She snarled at him, "That's a touchy subject, maybe you shouldn't have said that."

"Oh. Don't go lighting me on fire. I am after all your father."

That shocked her and me... she'd only ever told one person about her, "How did you know about that!?" I demanded, seeing as Katrina seemed to be in shock.

"I know a lot about both of you. And if you try to turn me into a dolphin, I will literally burn you alive. I don't care if you can breathe under-water. I will eventually be able to do it."

Katrina glared at him, "If you burn my girlfriend I will skin you alive."

"You're WHAT?!" Apollo looked shocked.

"Girlfriend. As in the opposite of boyfriend."

"What?! I thought you were a girl?!"

"Wow... you are so close-minded. I'm. A. Lesbian."

He didn't know how to respond to that, so I spoke up.

"If you need to tell us something tell it to us now."

"Fine. You're both demigods and you need to go train at camp half-blood."

I looked at Katrina, "Well... I have nothing better to do."


"It's official... I've gone crazy." Katrina sighed,

"Of course not," I comforted her, "We're flying over the united states in a red convertible... that's not crazy."

"Oh. Well that's good to know." She gulped.

Apollo turned to look at us, "I told you! I'm the god of the sun. This is the sun chariot... Don't you know anything about the ancient Greek?"

"last time I checked, the sun chariot was a CHARIOT! NOT A CONVERTIBLE!" I snarled

"Feisty are we?"

"Yup... get over it." I snapped

"You really shouldn't talk to a god that way."

"What are you gonna do 'bout it?"

"Fix your grammar..." he mumbled

"Shut up."

"Like I said. You shouldn't talk to a god that way... Oh look! We're here."

I looked down to see a valley surrounded by hills all around it except for one area with a beach. There was a volley ball net, and cabins, basketball nets, and a climbing wall that looked like it was on fire. The entire valley was filled with life.

"What IS this place?" asked Katrina, awe-struck.

"Camp half-blood." Answered Apollo.

"You were serious about that?" I asked

"What? You got into a strange vehicle with a weird man, without even believing my story?!"

"Pretty much. Wouldn't have been the weirdest thing I've done."

"I'm honestly curious as to who YOUR parent is."

"I hope  not you."


"Well, then Katrina and I would be related...  and that would be extremely awkward."

"Oh... true... and about that. You probably shouldn't mention that until people get to know you two. Some of the kids aren't exactly excepting."

"Well they can piss off." Said Katrina

He sighed, and started to pull down into the valley. As the 'chariot' got closer to the ground kids started to look up in awe, but had to cover their eyes as soon as they did so because of the brightness of the 'chariot'when we landed all the kids near us bowed and a man galloped up to us...except he wasn't exactly a man. his bottom half was a horse. He raised his bow in the air and spoke, "ALl kneel to Apollo, God of the sun."

Apollo stepped out of the chariot, "No need for all of that. I'm simply dropping off my daughter and her friend. They're twelve."

Katrina stepped forward, "Hi. My name's Katrina, I guess I'm ahis daughter... and this is my GIRLFRIEND Cera."

Then she pulled me forward to, and kissed me, right on the lips.

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