Chapter 6: Battle of Alnus Hill pt.2

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Thanks Doc."

I told the Corpsman as he finishes patching up my shoulder, i place my top back on as i exit the medical tent i look around. It was sunset, multiple tents and trenches we're setup. I walked forward, passing by a sign that says 'You Fuck With Us, We Fuck You More' with a severed rotting Head of one of the men we fought.

I walk towards my teams Fighting hole, jumping in it as almost everyone was asleep. The only one awake is Anna, she notices me as i enter the hole.

"Oh, Grant. Is your shoulder okay?"

She asks as i nod, i notice something is disturbing her as she was crawled up in a ball.

"What's wrong?"

I ask Her, sitting beside her as she looks down to her rifle.

"...Why did they do it?"

She asks me, refferring to what we did to the POW's. I stayed silent a bit as i remember how the gooks forced us to watch as they chop one of my Marines from limb to limb, first starting with the groin, then arms, then legs, then they pulled out his spine and turning him inside out...

"...The rumors of them being slave owners and war criminals are real and...they Wanted them to pay..."

I stay silent, looking down as i notice my top was all dirty and bloody from the battle from before.

"Fuck...I'll just change my top."

I tell her as i stood up and approached my Bag. I opened it, grabbing a new one while removing the old one.

I notice Anna staring at me as i glance at her.

"Something wrong?"

I ask her as she shakes her head and looks away from me, a blush in her face.

"N-Nyet, I'm fine comrade..."

She says as i shrug it off, i place on the new top as i sat back beside Anna. We both silently stared at the campfire, as i continued to stare at it i start to get memories of Vietnam...

I was in a routine patrol with my men and some Marines from Easy Company. We got word of Vietcong Movement near our base and Command started to send out patrols. But there was no combat for the pass two weeks and we assumed it was a false alarm.

"Hey, Grant."

I turn to Gunnery Sergeant Asher Reed, the Older brother of Nate.

"What is it Ash?"

I ask him as i notice him staring at something in then distance.


He points East was we turn to see Two Vietcong Soldier's setting up booby Traps. They didn't seem to notice us yet as instantly we raised our rifles at the two Vietcong.

As i kept my rifle aimed, i slowly realized...there kids...They look no older then Nine...

I start to sweat as i kept my rifle raised at the two. I slowly close my eyes, my finger going to the trigger...


I quickly snapped out of my trance after hearing the familiar Russian Accent as i turn to Reznov.

"I'm good..."

I told her quietly as all of the sudden a flare was shot in the air.


Instantly everyone woke up as i grab my M16, Not bothering to put on my helmet As i turn to No man's land to see multiple contacts. I quickly aimed my M16 and pulled the trigger, soon all that was heard is mortars, gunfire and Explosions.

As i fired my M16, An Arrow grazed the side of my head as i quickly duck back to cover in pain. If the arrow was only a inch left i would have died


I exclaimed as i quickly held the side of my head, i felt the blood pure down my head. I quickly reached for my helmet and placed it back On.

"Should've kept the damn thing on..."

I mutter to myself as i quickly turn back to the battle with my rifle raised only to see all the hostiles we're dead.


I order my team as they stopped firing there weapons.

"Phew, that was a-..."

Nathan was cutoff as they all turn to me to see the blood purring from the side of my head. I look at them in confusion before i shortly remember the graze, i took off my helmet to see the left side off my head covered in blood with a nasty graze.

"Jesus, Grant..."

AJ Says as he approaches me while inspecting the graze.

"Itys fine, just a graze."

My whole team looks at me in shock.

"Graze?!?! Dude an arrow hit your head."

He said as i see Belikov approach the side of my head. She started to operate on it as Price sat beside me.

"Sir, no offense but you should be more careful."

He told me as i look at him.


I told Price as Lt. Dan approaches me.

"Grant, Command assigned us to be the first Recon Team out in what POW's are calling, Falmart. We'll have a convoy with us along with an Patton."

He told me as i acknowledge him, Belikov finishes patching my head as i nod to her.

"I'll check on the other teams, rest of you stay here, a counter-attack may happen."

I told my team as i proceed to walk off.

Nathan's POV

As i watch (Y/N) Walk off, i noticed Belikov's rifle. It was an Old World War Two Mosin. I turn to her to see her packing up her medkit. I also noticed that...

My Eyes we're staring at Yulina's Tight trousers...Her...

I quickly snapped out of it as i felt a small blush form on my face.

'Dammit Nate! What the fuck are you doing...She's a commie...But...'

I shake my head as i notice the rest of the team talking to each other besides Me and Yulina. There was something about her that makes me feel...Odd.

Yulina's POV

As i continue to place my Medical equipment back to its back i heard footsteps behind me.


I recognize the voice as the Yank from before, Nathan Reed as i sighed in Annoyance. I was about to curse at him until i remember...


I felt sympathy and curiosity sink in as i hear the man Pause before continuing.

"...You did a great work patching up our Lieutenant..."

I hear him compliment me, i turn to him to see a hesitant and regretful expression.

"...Listen I just wanted to say-"

He was cutoff as AJ Approaches him.

"Hey Nate, we gotta check No man's Land for any surviving hostiles and 'deal' with them."

AJ Says as Nate nods, he walks with The Black American man as i felt a sigh of relief come through me...I felt weird around him, its look my heart was beating fast...

I shake it off as i continue packing up...

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