Chapter 16: United

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(Before we begin, let's enjoy this song made by Artur Rehi, An Estonian Soldier and Youtuber made for Ukraine. Godspeed Ukraine.)

Name: Trần Thủy Lan
Age: 21
Rank: Private
People's Army of Vietnam

Background: She was born in Hà Nội and grew up in the city. Her father was part of the battle of Điện Biên Phủ and her mother met her father while she was tending to his wounds. Trần joined the PAVN when American B52 bombers bombed the city. She has somewhat of a kind and caring personality but if pissed off then she'll go bat shit crazy. When the war was over her company was transferred to the 357th Division which was filled with former ARVN and NVA that are now part of the PAVN. When she first arrived a PAVN grunt introduced himself as Nguyễn Văn Long. At first, she didn't like the idea of working with their former enemies considering that Long was part of the ARVN, but over a week she grew to be closer with Nguyễn and thought he wasn't so bad after all.

 At first, she didn't like the idea of working with their former enemies considering that Long was part of the ARVN, but over a week she grew to be closer with Nguyễn and thought he wasn't so bad after all

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Location: Camp Union, NATO-Warsaw Pact Base, Falmart

Time since First Arrival: Three weeks-[RECALCULATING]

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Time since First Arrival: Three weeks-[RECALCULATING]

3 Months.


A voice says over a radio as it also plays music over the daily news on the speakers of Camp Union.

Three Hueys and Hinds can be seen flying over the camp in a V-Formation, passing by the former refugee camp turned Town "Zeus." By the locals where technology was introduced to the Refugees, this was also called United Town, NW (NATO-WARSAW), Falmart.

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