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Ok, so here is the next update, hope you all enjoy!!!
I still love you, don't worry. . .as long as it comes out on the Mer/Der side soon! >.>

It was only the next morning, but Meredith still had to be at the hospital and 4:30 for a meeting with the chief, and with her new resident. She got up quickly, getting dressed while stubling out of the shower, and eating on her way out the door. She wanted to make a good first impression, even though she had already won over the chiefs trust years ago. Climbing into her blue Jeep, she put the keys into the ignition while placing her reheated grilled cheese sandwhich into her mouth. She liked today- it had only been 15 minutes since she had been up, but still, she was too busy to even think of Derek, which surprised her. Usually she would still be hudled in her blankets crying her eyes out as she stared at the ceiling, but it was different now. Maybe it was a good thing that she had caught Derek in bed with Addison. Maybe it was a signal that she didn't really need him all this time. She didn't want to say that it was a waste these past years -- because it wasn't. She had learned so much from him, she probably couldn't name all of great things that he taught her. But now, now things were going to be different, she could use everything that Derek had taught her about school, medicine, love and life to find out her true identity, who she really was and who she really wanted to be.

Pulling into the hospital parking lot, she jumped out of the car with her brand new totebag filled with everything you could imagine, and darted inside. In such a hurry, Meredith ran right passed the elevator, and bumped straight into a short woman, already dressed in her light blue scrubs. "Oh I am so-" she began as the lady turned around, clearly tired and angry.

"Oh no, don't you dare say it!" She cut her off, "'Cus I know you 'aint!" She quickly glanced at her up and down, "Now watch where your going scrawny, your in my way. Do it again and i'll be sending you into that hospital bed right there." She pointed across the hall to an empty room.

"Oh, well, i'm-," she stopped, remembering what the small lady said, "Well, ok, I will try not to do it again."

"Try? You had better not try, you had better do!" Meredith opened her mouth, hoping to respond "And don't you start talking back to me now!" The woman said, "Now, git! Get going. I don't want you in my sight anymore that humanly possible." Shocked by the doctor's rudeness, Meredith turned and sped away once more. "I'm gonna have to see you enough how it is," she said under her breath as Meredith ran away.

Knocking on Dr. Richard Webber's door, Meredith was gasping for air. She had run every which way throughout the hospital, memorizing every hall until she found his office. Richard was unsure as to who was knocking on his door so early in the morning; he sat back in his chair, leaving abandoned papers on his desk as he removed his reading glasses. "Come in," He spoke to the closed door, nonchalantely. The door only peeked open at first, wandering eyes following it, as if unsure what to do. Richard sat forward in his chair, plaging his elbows on his desk, folding his fingers together. "Come in," he repeated. Slowly afterwards, the door opened fully, revealing the young, blue eyed, golden haired girl. She wore a large smile on her face, with a hand hanging low to her thigh, while the other grasped the handles of her tote as it hung from her shoulder. "Meredith?" Richard questioned excitedly as he stood up, rushing to the door and bringing her into his tight grasp.

All Meredith could do was hug back. She didn't really know him all that well, but what she did know was that he was there for her mother, and thats all that really counted. "So you recognized me?" She asked, pulling out of his bear-like grip.

"Of course I do Meredith! You are a spitting image of your mother." And with that, he smiled warmly to her. Smiling back, but feeling uncomfortable in the arms of a man she didn't really know, she began quickly, "So, when do I start?"

"A little anxious are we?" He stepped back behind his desk, motioning for Meredith to sit in front of him before sitting down himself. "You are just like you mother." Smiling again, she wondered whether that was really a compliment. She thought back to all of the fights that Ellis would start with Thatcher, nearly nocking him dead to the floor each time with insults. An awkward silence occured briefly, in which time Richard thought he should begin speaking again, "Today, you can start today, if you like. But definently tomorrow if you are not ready, which is perfectly understandable." He assured her.

"Oh, no! Today? Today is great!" She answered quickly. She remembered how thoughts of Derek had filled her mind almost immediately only moments ago when the conversation had stopped. Working was her comfort. Wroking, that is, and eating. She flashed a small smile to Richard as he began to stand up. She followed shortly after. "Ok, well, we'll give you a quick tour-"

"Oh no, theres no need, I gave myself one." Meredith interrupted, remembering how she had gotten lost on the way to his office.

"Well, aren't you on top of things?" He laughed lightly, heading towards the door. "In that case," he said opening it for her and stepping to the side, "Your locker is already set up, number 1232, your scrubs are in there already, and your fellow interns have already started their shifts. Your resident is Dr. Bailey, and believe me you'll know her when you see her." Meredith only tilted her head in confusion. "You'll see, don't worry." He smiled to her again, "Good luck!"

"Thank you Dr. Webber," she said, leaving the office.

"Oh please Meredith, you can call me Richard."

"No, really, it's fine. I shouldn't get any special treatment, and I don't expect you to give me any!" She turned, rushing again, this time to the lockers.

"Just like your mother," Richard commented softly to himself before reentering his office, getting back to his work.

Ok, I had to start Meredith off with a good day, no?  And guys, don't worry, I plan to make her have a very good day!
You can PM me, or just leave it in the comments, much love to those who do❤️ROY

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