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The next day, Meredith made it to work on time, in fact, earlier than usual. She was sure that she was the first one, but upon entering the locker room, she was proven wrong. Izzie was sitting there, already fuly dressed; her back was turned to the door, and she slouched over the bench that she was straddling. Meredith quietly made her way to her locker, watching as Izzie drew pictures with her fingers on the bench.

"Yes, I told you already, Saturday is fine." She heard Izzie say to the mystery man. "Yes i'm sure. . .You know what? If you keep bugging me about it, it's not happening at all" With this, she looked up to see Meredith smiling at her and she opened her locker, "I gotta go." She said before hanging up quickly.

"Izzie's in loooove," she taunted, taking out her scrubs.

"I am not!" She fired back, hopefully Meredith didn't think that she was in love with the man on the other line; that would be way off, considering he was after Meredith.

"You are so," she said, shaking her head, undressing, "I know that little move, you know the drawing pictures with your finger? I user to do that all the time, like I said, its love!"

"Used to?" Izzie questioned, standing up.


"You said used to. Your not in love with Aiden?"

"Wh-what are you talking about Izz? We are talking about you being in love, not me."

"But, you said used to, so that means that you were in love with someone, but you aren't anymore? Thant means that you do not love Aiden."

"Look, Izzie," Meredith said, angrier than she expected as she closed her locker, now fully dressed, "It's just. . .things are just difficult, ok?"

"Did you two get in a fight?"


"A fight. You are early today, you're never early, did you two fight last night?"

". . .No. . ." Meredith looked at her suspiciously, "Why so curious?"

"Just trying to help a friend Mer, not that you treat me like one." She said, barging out of the room. Meredith just stood there, in shock of what Izzie had done and said.


Later that day at lunch, Meredith took a seat next to Cristina, "My gosh Meredith, if I have to spend one more second with lover boy, I am going to hurl." Cristina spurted out the second that Meredith took a seat, slightly laughing. "No, I'm serious Mer, he's after me, do something about it!"

"What? What do you expect me to do?" She laughed, raising her hands into the air and dropping them, "You said he has no balls, he's pissed off; no matter what I say, he's not going to stop."

Cristina let out a deep sigh, leaning back into her seat, "I can't believe that he is still mad at me for that, all I said was that he had no balls!"

"I'd never talk to you again, or prove you wrong." Alex said, sitting down, "Want me to prove you wrong, Yang?"

"Discussing, evil spawn, we weren't even talking about you, although you aren't much better than he is."

"Than who is?" Izzie and Georgy sat down at the table, "Hey guys, I need someone to fill in for me Saturday, can one of you do it?" Izzie asked. They all stopped what they were doing, and looked at her, "What? I gotta pick someone up from the airport!"

"Boyfriend." Meredith chimed in.

"Boyfriend, what boyfriend, you had a boyfriend and didn't tell me?" Cristina questioned.

"He is not my boyfriend! He is a guy who is a friend of mine."

"She is so in love with him," Meredith continued, putting a bite of salad in her mouth, wrinkling her nose to show how discussing it was, before throwing it away.

"I am not, look, can you just fill in for me?"

"Well, is he hot?" Cristina leaned across the table.

"Yes, do tell," Meredith said, leaning back into her chair as she placed her feet on the table.

"I think he's more Meredith's type." Izzie said as-a-matter-of-factly, smiling to herself.

"What creepy and and ass?" Cristina said, following Meredith's example.

"That is not my type," Meredith argued.

"Oh it so is, stop complaining."

Meredith stuck her tongue out childishly at Cristina, "Hello? Filling in for me?" As she finished her sentence, Izzie's phone began to ring.

"And here is loverboy now!" Meredith said, sarcastically happy.

She gave Meredith a face, picking up the phone, "Hello? Yeah. . .Your what??? Seriously?" She was now standing up, "Where? That is so awesome! Yeah, i'll call you back after work!" She hung up, sprinting away towards the hospital.

"What was that all about?" Meredith asked Cristina.

"No Idea."

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