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"Grey," Bailey interrupted when she opened the door to meet the two. She held a small stack of papers in one hand, her other on the door nob, "We have some news. . ."

"Wh-what is it Dr. Bailey?" Meredith asked, becoming worried at Dr. Bailey's concerned voice. Bailey shot a glance to Cristina, but she just stood there, her hands firmly placed on Meredith's stomach. She raised her eyebrow, shifting her weight to one leg as she crossed her arms, but Cristina didn't budge.

"Yang, out." She demanded. Cristina looked back at Meredith and smiled, "Good luck." She said before leaving. Bailey pushed the door shut, letting out a sigh of frustration. She walked slowly to the examination table, taking a seat next to Meredith, "Dammit Grey, this is the exact reason why we forbid relationships with attendings!" She scolded angrily.

"What? What are you talking about? I need you to tell me what this means exactly, because I think I know what it means, but I tend to be glass half empty these days, so I won't trust what I think it means. Because what I think is that I'm pregnant. And I can't be pregnant, that's just crazy, right?"

"Meredith. Things are complicated," She tried, calming her voice down.

"That doesn't really answer my question, Dr. Bailey."

"Meredith, you're pregnant."

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