chapter 14

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Sorry for not updating!!!

If I don't say this now I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate

Meredith woke up the next morning, fully dressed after her 'experience' the night before. She felt horrible for what she did to him, afraid to see him at all that day. 'The only way to avoid him is to. . .there is no way to avaid him,' she thought, remembering that she offered him a guest room after what had happened; she would have to drive him to Joe's this morning, and then he would probably ask for her services at work, she was screwed. Looking at the clock, she realized that if she din't get going, fast, that she would surely be late for work. Hoping out of her bed, she rushed over to her closet, tripping over a pair of pants. Falling to the ground, her elbow gave into the ground at an awkward position, causing a large moan from the floor, as well as a yelp from Meredith. She rolled onto her back, holding onto her elbow as Aiden came rushing in.

"Mer? Oh my gosh, Mer, are you ok?" He said, lifting her into his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," she tried to think of an excuse for him to leave so that she could finish getting dressed, but she accidentaly fell into his eyes. They were beautiful, filled with concern and love. Instead of forcing him out as she did the previous night, she began to speak again, "Yeah, I think I'm ok," she said, adding in 'think' this time around, "I just tripped, thats all. . .fell on my elbow," she smiled.

He smiled back softly, pushing the hair out of her face and behind her ear, "Ok." He started to get up, with her in his arms, but Meredith put her hand on his arm signaling him to stop.

"I'm sorry. Sorry about last night."

"Thats alright," he assured her, "Things happen, emotions surface, and then things just happen." He brushed some more hair out of her face.

"Ok," She said softly, feeling even worse for what she did to him.

"Now get dressed," he said, picking them both up, "Your already late for work how it is." And with that, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Ow. . ." she said to herself, rubbing her elbow as she turned around to get dressed.

Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh, oh
I'll look after you

Arriving at Joes, Meredith places her car in park and lets a small breath of air escpe her lips. There is a long, but comfortable silence; she decides to beak it, "Sooo. . . here we are!"

"Here we are," He repeated, smiling at her. Besides cocking their head at each other, Meredith and Aiden loved to repeat every word that came out of each others mouth, almost as if it were a game. The silence followed once more for just a few minutes, "Meredith?"


"You know I'm always going to be here right?" He looked now from the front windsheild back to her, wondering how she would take it, if he was still going to fast for her. She looked back at him, almost pleadingly; he figured he might have to kick it down a notch. He needed to give her space, but ne needed to tell her so badly how he felt.

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

"I'm going to be here, to look after you. And I'm not leaving, so just, just take your time, ok? I'm not trying to force you into anything new, you've been broken, and I understand that its hard to pick yourself up, but just to let you know, I'm here." Opening the door, he finally pulled himself out of Meredith's car, looking back only once to smile before getting into his car and driving off to the hospital. She let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes and leaning back into her driver's seat. Everything was going to be ok with Aiden, everything would be alright without Derek. . .

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