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Here we go again

Aiden arrived at Joe's, quickly spotting Meredith at the bar with a shot in hand. His heart jumping, he rushed quickly to take a seat beside her before anyone else could. Looking over, meredith smiled at his jubulant facial expressions, as well as manners, "That seats taken," she flirted.

"Well, then whoever was sitting here will have to find another spot now, won't they?"

"I guess so," she laughed.

"I thought you were gonna let me buy you a drink!" He pointed to her shot of tequila. Downing it quickly after he said that, she rotated her stoll so that she was now facing him.

"Firstly, who says you can't pay for that one? And secondly, i'm not even near done," She said, winking at him. It sent chills down his spine, just knowing that Meredith was playing with him. All he wanted was a relationship with her; he wanted her to want him, and be with him and love him. It sounded scary to himself once he finally admitted it. All he could think about was how stalkerish it seemed, and he surely didn't want Meredith to get the same impression. So, he decided to slip into it as slowly as she wanted, no matter how long it took.

"So, you wanna drive me home?" She cocked her head, smiling devilishly at him. Maybe she didn't[/t] want to take it slow, which suprised, but pleased him.

"I would love to," he said, standing up, placing his jacket around her shoulders, "Shall we?"

"We shall," she stood up, holding the ends of his coat lightly on her so that it wouldn't fall off. He placed some money on the counter before following closely behind her.

"So," he began playfully, "How exactly do you plan to get to work tomorrow?"

"Hmm?" she inquired.

"You know, I'm taking you home, beacuse your drunk," he added in quickly, "And you shouldn't be driving while you are intoxicated, you could get a DUI, or even worse, you could get hurt!" He wanted to make sure that she didn't back down from the ride home, as well as force her to ask him to take her to work tomorrow, "So, since I am taking you home now, you won't have your car tomorrow to get to work."

Meredith stopped, turning around to face him, laughing, "You have really thought this out, haven't you?"

Smiling, he replied with a quick "No."

"Well then, I suppose the smartest thing to do, would be to take my car home. Then you could maybe stay the night, unless of course you want to walk all the way back here. At night. In the dark. Alone. And then in the morning, we might just have to stop by Joe's to pick up your car, huh?"

Aiden was now practically jumping out of his skin. He tried as hard as he could to hide his excitement, but Meredith saw his eyes light up instantly, "Oh darn," he joked, "I guess we might just have to do that!"

Meredith, still facing him, took a few steps closer, closing the space in between their bodies. She still held the jacket on her shoulders, but intentionaly placed herself right next to his lips. Looking down, their faces were only centimeters apart. She smiled, "Is it wrong to fall for your boss? Hypethetically, I mean." she whispered, their faces not moving.

"Hypethetically?" His voice was so low, she could barely even hear it. He smiling, he licked his lips quickly.

"Hypethetically,"she repeated, closing the space between their faces, bringing him to a long, passionate kiss. Her hand remained on the shoulder of the jacket, while his found his way around her waist. They pulled away, staying close to each other. December was approaching, and the winds were cool. A breeze blew passed, sending goosebumps up and down Meredith's arm. He smiled, he wasnt cold at all; taking her arms in his to keep them warm, he pulled her into his body even moreso that she already was, "We should get going," he told her, still whispering.

"We should," she smiled back, "It's getting cold, I just feel like crawling into bed."

"That sounds like a good idea to me," he said, turning her back aroung as he lead her to her car. By the time they reached it, his chest was pressed against her back, with his hands placed protectively on her waist. Leaning over, he pushe all of her hair to one side of her neck while kissing the other, causing her to giggle, "Key me," He said, smiling inbetween kisses.

"Ok, ok!" she reaches into her purse, retrieving her keys before turning around and hitting him on the chest, playfully, as she placed the keys into his hand. He pushed her against the passenger's side of the car, continuing his kissing down her neck, "Aiden, Aiden!" she smiled, laughing even more, "Stop, stop that tickles!" HIs only response was to go back further, kissing the side of her neck, and up to her ear, he now laughing himself.

Pulling back, he ooked into her eyes, quickly running his hand through her hair, "Hypethetically? No. . . Is it wrong to fall for your emplayee?"

"Hypethetically?" She asked, cocking her head.

"Hypethetically," he confirmed, smiling as he pushed his forehead against hers.

"Hypethetically, yes, but I won't tell, I promise, hypethetically I mean."

Laughing at her response, he opened the door for her, "Just get in," he said, slapping her butt before he left to the other side of the car.

"Dr. Schaffer!" She scolded, poking her head over to see him smiling at her.

"Yes Dr. Grey?"

"Make sure that kind of behavior never happens at work!"

"Yes Dr. Grey." They both smiled, laughing at each other before getting into her car and heading home.

Yaaaay, lots of Aiden! . . .Yay, right? o_O;;;;;

Tell me, yay or nay for Aiden? How do you like him, I must know!

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